The Raven's Muse

Written by Sylmanos

The Raven’s Muse is the only airship currently owned by the Raven’s Keep Consortium. Hailing from their days as the Collectors Organization, the Muse is a small and fast airship with a number of wondrous extra features and details provided by both current Ravens and former friends.   Qadani Ura used her extensive knowledge of goldsmithing to help refit the guts of the vessel with new and improved wheels and cogs to improve fuel efficiency while Aroris called upon his expertise with clothwork to restitch the canvases of the ship's sails and thus dramatically reinforce them. Ayame Mochizuki wove and enchanted a series of incredibly strong hemp ropes to replace the iron chains aboard and further lighten the overall load.   Then there was Davian who worked alongside his Rathalos ally, Raff, to create a thin layer of purple anti-aether plating around the hull of the ship. Formed from lightweight metals, elemental resistance potions, and Ala Mhigan rock salt all welded together with Wyvern Flame, to make the Muse highly resistant to all forms of aetheric assault.   It is important to note that, while she does have a station upon which a weapon such as a cannon can be equipped, the Raven’s Muse often goes flying without any weaponry of her own at all. This is part of what makes her so incredibly fast, but it also means that in a fight she must rely on her speed, strong defenses, and the power of her passengers to see her through.
Current location