

A Wood Elf monk with no memories from 6 months before arriving in Barovia....

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Lawful Neutral

Zailith in the Plane of Ash
13th of Cuersaar

Zailith is greeted by a larger priest. Gives a formal half bow. Zailith bows and asks for information about whether his friend perished during the ritual. Says he will need Zailith’s energy to find out, and this will not be comfortable, given his lack of memory.   Fingers on the forehead make this an uncomfortable and difficult experience. Asked for the name, Zailith says Amrandir. He’s told he has walked this plane but sold his soul away. He’s in Avernus, bound by his own choice. He did not survive the rite - but did not expect to. He was used as fuel for the fire needed for the rite. The outcome…Zailith was the focus. What he hoped it would achieve is unknown. It has bent Zailith’s fate line far out of shape.   Zailith asks if his soul has been bound by Avernus. This can be found, but it may not be a good outcome. Zailith explains he needs to know before he can act. The priest prays for 30 seconds, then says he doesn’t like to receive or grant - but RQ would have Zailith see the danger he is in.   Zalith allowed this rite to shape him. He has worked hand in glove with the Obsidian Throne. Asmodeus will speak for Zailith, but his claim is not absolute. No pact is certain. Other voices can be raised in his defence. The pact is not yet unchangeable.   Amrandir gave his soul to place a power sleeping within Zailith. Used at its peril. The more he uses this power, the greater Asmodeous’ claim will be. Unless he willingly gifts his soul, or it is taken by violence, nothing is without the possibility of mending.   Zailith asks if the priest knows what he’s doing in Barovia. A long silence follows. Barovia is a known name. Evil was once imprisoned there. Were it to escape, it would be bad. It is a force of chaos. Natural order and balance would be disrupted. When his plans were set in motion, Amrandir sought to contain this danger.   Things that were set in amber, would not be desired by any power. From time to time, courts sometimes align. Amrandir was a fool led into a purposeless sacrifice…but it may be he forged the beginnings of a temporary marriage of convenience.   Zailith suggests he does not do this for the Obsidian Throne, but could do it for the Raven Queen. Priest opens his hands to reveal lines and shapes. Zailith’s fate has many twists and turns yet to be taken - but not this one.   Raven Queen cannot advocate for him. She is a judge. However, she may offer a stay of execution. To walk the Planes of Ash. Do not make this a goal, but a last resort. When all other bridges are burned, appeal to the Raven Queen. Would become a Shadowsworn.   Zailith bows and thanks the Priest and the Raven Queen for their help/info. Zailith takes a silver token from the bag so he can return.   Priest says the Rave Queen is not normally so free with her advice. Zailith’s work is of some significance. Zailith hopes this work can make Amrandir’s sacrifice worthwhile. Bows again, and returns. Begin writing your story here...

The fourth dream
10th of Cuersaar

Through the night, Zailith remembers more of his past through a vision. A sense of clarity descends, different from a normal dream. Like going through a memory. Nothing is overly surprising.   Zailith finds himself in a cave beneath the monastery with eight other people. Know them all, in some shape or form. All have been summoned by Amrandir (or sent by Tholis).   Everyone is nervous. Some stay silent, others engage in chatter/jokes. The ones Zailith knows well are all connected to the Church of Ayoun in some way, all very impressive.   Ahead, Amrandir is making preparations. Tracing out a complex symbol on the ground, using salt and candles. Moving confidently but with great care. The salt creates a continuous line, forming glyphs. No breaks.   Amrandir has instructed everyone in the words in the rite. Carefully, but clearly. Unpleasant language to speak. After each practice, Zailith feels thirsty. Just the language has an effect.   Amrandir calls everyone forward. They take spaces around the circle, equal distances between them. At his signal, the group takes up a chant. Starts very hesitantly, but people grow in confidence.   After the first part, Zailith feels his head buzz with dizziness. Seems to be the case for everyone. No one stops chanting.   The candles stutter and sway. Unpleasant smell rises. Feels certain eyes are on his back, despite no-one else being there.   Silence follows the first part of the right. People look around anxiously.   Amrandir draws a knife across his palm. A deep cut. The blood falls inside the circle, not disturbing the candles or salt. Steps back as the blood sizzles. Candle flames turn blue.   The more nervous of the group are even more so now, but everyone holds their place - despite some looking desperate to leave. The circle shouldn’t be broken, and Amrandir’s gaze holds everyone in place.   A figure steps forward. Present, but not fully. A burning metal smell appears, like that of Avernus (first plane of Hell). Figure is more pleasant/elegant than expected. Not hideous, but compelling.   It is an Erinyes (emissaries of the Obsidian Court - fights with poison) - a type of devil in the upper levels of the hells. Warriors/diplomats/emissaries. Carries a longsword with an oily sheen and a coiled whip (more dangerous than the sword. It looks around slowly, studying each person. Makes no move to leave the circle. Nods to Amrandir, a nod of acknowledgement/familiarity.   As he wakes, Zailith thinks back about the dream. Amrandir wanted to ask the devil for a favour, but he has been cagey about what the price might be. Zailith and others have asked but he has been reluctant to speak about it. Some people are definitely second-guessing themselves. Zailith thinks the devil’s gaze lingered on him slightly longer than others. Looking back, the devil now looks familiar in a way that it didn’t at the time. Can’t put his finger on the reason why, but it’s tugging at his mind.   Zailith wonders if he could recreate this rite if needed. The details are hazy, especially the salt pattern. Very complex. Firm maybe.   There’s more to this vision.

The third dream
6th of Cuersaar

Zailith settles to meditate and starts to remember more of his past. The visions are crystal clear. Takes a moment to realise this is what is happening.   The scene begins at night while meditating. A tap on the door. It’s a coded signal between Zailith and Ashryn (three quick taps, 2 second gap, 2 slightly louder taps). Glad she has come. She’s not happy and he wanted to talk.   On the other side of the door, she’s dressed for travel, with a pack on her back. Motions for Zailith to be quiet and slips into the room. She’s nervous. Whispers she must leave, that she cannot be a part of this. Wants to leave without any fuss. Is concerned that if she doesn’t leave now, she won’t be able to.   Wants Zailith to go with her, but doesn’t expect him to. Zailith understands how she feels but he owes it to the others to be a part of this with them. Amrandir hasn’t asked anything of him yet. Feels it probably won’t work, anyway. Here to support them and come up with another plan. Says it would be better if she was here for that, too.   Ashryn says he is underestimating Amrandir. She’s been in his room, and he has forbidden books. Knows what he is doing. This might not be the first time.   Both have trusted Amrandir for a long time. He tries unconventional things. If the scale of the potential threat is right, forbidden books is worth it. Ashryn feels this is a trap. Devils lie and cheat, use it to snare you. Amrandir might be smart enough to get away with it, but Ashryn is not - and nor is Zailith.   She asks one more time for Zailith to leave. When he won’t, she shoulder’s her pack and asks him to apologise to Amrandir on her behalf.   With her hand on the door, she turns back. Says if this is a trap, and if he (or Zailith) falls into it, she won’t let it stand. Will come after him if she must. He will be tainted. Dangerous. He will answer to her.   Zailith knows how dangerous Ashryn can be. The idea of her hunting any of them is frightening. Both Ashryn and Amrandir are ruthless in their pursuit of a goal. Leaves in total silence, vanishing into the shadows.   Zailith listens for signs of…anything. Nothing unusual is heard. She made it out.   Amrandir has requested everyone early the next day, so he doesn’t bother trying to meditate again.   Amandir is asking the Obsidian Throne for help/information. Zailith is expected to help in some way. This happens right beneath the monastery in a cave complex.   Zailith knows Amrandir won’t be happy at Ashryn leaving. Wants knowledge of the plan to be limited. Ashryn won’t sell them out, but Amrandir doesn’t know this.

The second dream
1st of Cuersaar

Compared to the dreams from the pies, it’s very sharp and more vivid. Can remember a lot more context and feelings.   Sat on a ledge, high up in the mountains. Must have climbed up. With two others - that I recognise. Seen them before, but didn’t recognise them before. Have known them for a long time: Ashryn Silverlight & Amrandir Hazelbrook. Both are monks. An argument is going on between them. Zailith is listening.   Amrandier is proposing a risky course of action, but Ashryn is against it - doesn’t want Zailith involved. It’s a good natured argument, but there’s an edge. Ashryn is getting anxious about Amrandir’s focus.   This is the second time they’d had this conversation (from a day or two before). Had come up to the mountain for privacy and to not involve everyone else. This is Amrandir’s place.   Zailith can understand Ashryn’s point of view, but he can see where Amrandir is coming from. Amrandir wouldn’t be proposing this if he didn’t think it was vital. Zailith feels inclined to support Amrandir.   Not afraid of the two coming to blows. Amrandir has been thinking of this for a long time and won’t change his mind. Ashryn is still trying to work through it, but initially is against it. Ashryn is more likely to change her mind.   Zailith remembers all three have known each other since their earliest days of their training (Cobalt Reserve in Church of Ioun). Once the training ended, Ashryn and Zailtih left the monastery to go their own way. Amrandir remained, rising through the ranks as a monk and scholar.   His plan is not sanctioned by the church. Official channels are not doing anything, but he believes something must be done.   Mentions Tholis - both cooked up this plan together.

The First dream
21st of Quen'pillar

Zailith dreams of training in the temple. Nothing new happens, but it’s a positive sense of camaraderie and belonging. Fully engaged in tough monk training.


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