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Lawful Neutral Wood Elf ()
Monk 9
54 / 54 HP

A Wood Elf monk with no memories from 6 months before arriving in Barovia....

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13th of Cuersaar

Zailith in the Plane of Ash

by Zailith

Zailith is greeted by a larger priest. Gives a formal half bow. Zailith bows and asks for information about whether his friend perished during the ritual. Says he will need Zailith’s energy to find out, and this will not be comfortable, given his lack of memory.
Fingers on the forehead make this an uncomfortable and difficult experience. Asked for the name, Zailith says Amrandir. He’s told he has walked this plane but sold his soul away. He’s in Avernus, bound by his own choice. He did not survive the rite - but did not expect to. He was used as fuel for the fire needed for the rite. The outcome…Zailith was the focus. What he hoped it would achieve is unknown. It has bent Zailith’s fate line far out of shape.
Zailith asks if his soul has been bound by Avernus. This can be found, but it may not be a good outcome. Zailith explains he needs to know before he can act. The priest prays for 30 seconds, then says he doesn’t like to receive or grant - but RQ would have Zailith see the danger he is in.
Zalith allowed this rite to shape him. He has worked hand in glove with the Obsidian Throne. Asmodeus will speak for Zailith, but his claim is not absolute. No pact is certain. Other voices can be raised in his defence. The pact is not yet unchangeable.
Amrandir gave his soul to place a power sleeping within Zailith. Used at its peril. The more he uses this power, the greater Asmodeous’ claim will be. Unless he willingly gifts his soul, or it is taken by violence, nothing is without the possibility of mending.
Zailith asks if the priest knows what he’s doing in Barovia. A long silence follows. Barovia is a known name. Evil was once imprisoned there. Were it to escape, it would be bad. It is a force of chaos. Natural order and balance would be disrupted. When his plans were set in motion, Amrandir sought to contain this danger.
Things that were set in amber, would not be desired by any power. From time to time, courts sometimes align. Amrandir was a fool led into a purposeless sacrifice…but it may be he forged the beginnings of a temporary marriage of convenience.
Zailith suggests he does not do this for the Obsidian Throne, but could do it for the Raven Queen. Priest opens his hands to reveal lines and shapes. Zailith’s fate has many twists and turns yet to be taken - but not this one.
Raven Queen cannot advocate for him. She is a judge. However, she may offer a stay of execution. To walk the Planes of Ash. Do not make this a goal, but a last resort. When all other bridges are burned, appeal to the Raven Queen. Would become a Shadowsworn.
Zailith bows and thanks the Priest and the Raven Queen for their help/info. Zailith takes a silver token from the bag so he can return.
Priest says the Rave Queen is not normally so free with her advice. Zailith’s work is of some significance. Zailith hopes this work can make Amrandir’s sacrifice worthwhile. Bows again, and returns.
Begin writing your story here...

Zailith's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. The First dream
    21st of Quen'pillar
  2. The second dream
    1st of Cuersaar
  3. The third dream
    6th of Cuersaar
  4. The fourth dream
    10th of Cuersaar
  5. Zailith in the Plane of Ash
    13th of Cuersaar

The major events and journals in Zailith's history, from the beginning to today.

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Zailith.

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