Adventurers of Ravenloft chronicle

  • 655 PD

    Rowan Born
    Life, Birth
  • 680 PD

    Varis Born
    Life, Birth
  • 759 PD

    Bera Born
    Life, Birth
  • 783 PD

    Varis Flees his Home
    Life, Milestone
  • 806 PD

    Shasti Born
    Life, Birth
  • 807 PD

    Dench Born
    Life, Birth

  • 834 PD

    16 /9

    Bera, Rowan, Dench, Zailith, and Shasti arrive in Barovia
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party travels to Castlefield, speaks with Father Donavich at the church and then heads to the Blood of the Vine Inn.

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    17 /9

    Discovery, Exploration

    Castlefield. Stayed at the inn. In the morning, meet Bildrath. Head to Anklheg cave. Also discover mushroom cave. Later meet Morgan. Head to mayors house and find out about Ireena. Noises in the nights. Vivid dreams for the pie-eaters.

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    18 /9

    Castlefield. Road to Tser Pool.
    Discovery, Exploration

    Castlefield. Memorial at church. Discover door in the basement (Doru). Leave town to take Ireena - spot tattoo. Attack at gallows. Discover Crow Grove. Get to Vistani camp. Meet Madam Eva. Camp stories.

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    19 /9

    Tser Pool Vistani Camp
    Discovery, Exploration

    Madam Eva gives card readings.

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    20 /9

    Leave Vistani, head to Windmill
    Discovery, Exploration

    On the road, reach the windmill, camp outside. Pie problems. Most of the party suffering exhaustion.

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    21 /9

    Windmill to Vallaki
    Discovery, Exploration

    Chats with Morgan. Bera gets more pies. Find stone circle behind windmill. Head to Vallaki. Find out about Festival of the Rising Sun. Meet the Baron. Head to Lake Zarovich. Narrowly kill a toad monster. A warning letter from Strahd arrives. At night Zailith dreams of training.

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    22 /9

    Vallaki - Vistani Camp - Vallaki
    Discovery, Exploration

    Meet Blinksy, find out about Tom Ryder. Head to the Vallaki camp and meet Zulmira and chat to Arrigal. Head back to town to see the Wachters. Steal the book. Rowan destroys everyones pies. Not sorry.

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    23 /9

    Discovery, Exploration

    Shasti reads the book (first time). Find out about Danika’s crow serets. Go back with Shasti to check out the Blinsky drawings/ doll. Investigate Henricks shop. Oh look, vampires. Shasti ate the bone. Melchior retreives remaining bone (possibly not knowing one is missing). Find out Viktor’s been doing magic. Beras reads the book (second time)

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    24 /9

    Vallaki - Vistani - Winery
    Discovery, Exploration

    Pie withdrawals. Head to the Winery via the Vistani camp (leave Shasti in their care). Have to pass through Blights to get into Winery. Meet the family. Decide to sepdn night.      Bera reads the book again (third time)

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    25 /9

    Winery to Krezk
    Discovery, Exploration

    Shasti joins the party at the Winery. Save gems and Davien and family who head to Valaki. Success.    Head to Krezk. Discover werewolf tracks on route. On arrival get given some more info aboout the pack and local events. Dench's helmet proving to be a problem.

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    26 /9

    Discovery, Exploration

    Invitation to see the abbot. He wants a werewolf for study. Abbot mentions a former patient who requested materials to draw. Left suddenly, after mostly healing from his wounds (months ago). Resembled Shasti. Party visits mad Tamreg. Dench trades his evil helmet. Party leaves Krezk for the swamp.

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    27 /9

    Discovery, Exploration

    On waking camp has footsteps leading to argonvostholt? The party makes deals with Minala. Elsewhere Rowan is researching in the library. The party heads back to Krezk.

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    1 /10

    Krezk - Winery
    Discovery, Exploration

    Zailith had a vision during the night. Upon return to Krezk they get a summon from Lady Anna. Dench’s helmet made trouble. Head to Yester Hill. The Winery is being repaired by Renata and her vampire friends. Stay the night - Esher arrives to tell us a carriage will collect us in 3 nights.

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    2 /10

    Winery - Yester Hill
    Discovery, Exploration

    Head to Yester hill. Find a body on an alter. Then meet Imani. Find out about the Huntress. Then make absolutely horrific camp attempts. Discovered at the second camp by Druids. Third camp party manages to remain hidden.

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    3 /10

    Yester Hill - Winery - Castle - Vallaki
    Discovery, Exploration

    Battle up Yester Hil. Absolutely terrible. Return to the winery. Dench reads the book (Fourth time).   Dinner with Strahd on the even. First meeting.Davian is here as 'Guest' Strahd takes the helmet   Party returns to Vallaki

  • 834 PD

    4 /10

    Discovery, Exploration

    Irenna is learning to be a healer under the tutelage of Father Petrovich. Learn of problems at orphanage and more people being accused of being spies.    Head to orphanage. Deal with previously ignored problems.

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    5 /10

    Tower on Lake Baratov - Huntress Fane - Krezk
    Discovery, Exploration

    Tower on lake. Meet Shepherd and Crow (they've been here 7 weeks).   After, head to Huntress Fane. Successfully cleansed the fane.    Head to Krezk. Winter shopping.

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    6 /10

    Krezk - Skennis’ Cabin
    Discovery, Exploration

    Party agrees to seek the werwolves. Goes in search, finds Skennis’ Cabin. Learn about the pack - Kiriel left for a while and returned with two direwolves (loyal to him). Imeel would have challenged him, but he has left the pack and headed south (about four months ago).Werewolves are in a kind of war with the worgs.    Camp at the cabin.

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    7 /10

    Cabin - Krezk
    Discovery, Exploration

    Dench scrys on Imeel. He's imprisoned/ injured and lost a lot of stregnh. Likely in castle dungeons. The party returns to Krezk to speak to the Abbot. He doesn’t seem to know why Strahd is doing all of this. We tell the Abbot Strahd has a werewolf. Rowan convinces the Abbot to let them speak to Imeel should Strahd hand him over. The party leaves.   Failed attempts to read the book.   Zailith has a dream memory.(First?)

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    8 /10

    Krezk - werewolf den
    Discovery, Exploration

    A monk invites the party to come and meet with the Abbott. Rahadin is also there. Refused a deal.   Gain access to the werewolf den. Granted permission to be there for one night. Find the Morrigan alter and Ylva and Vilkas. Dench and Bera pray/ show respect. Rowan gains the Coin from Ylva.   Werewolf test/ transformation. Kuriel steps forward and announces Lars’ mission was successful. They’ve found the den. A day for new members to find their feet. The next night they will hunt. Some will remain, but most will come with him to end this.   Dench scrys on Imeel. Same view.

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    9 /10

    werewolf den - Winery area - Cave - Castlefield
    Discovery, Exploration

    The group leave the werewolf den and find the recently deceased werewolf and take it back to Krezk to give to the Abbot.   Abbot unveils what he's been working on - Tatiana.   Zailith gets his bracers from Gidna. Party heads back to the Winery but on route find a cave with a trap door that leads back to the underground cave explored previously. Cave exploration ensues. Find bodies (Non-Borovian) and the mushroom cave has been ransacked by Morgan. Party exits the cave near Castlefield.   Cassius is aty the Kolyana residence. Alex says that she was told Irena might be in danger, and the castle sent someone a week ago for that protection. The rumours about Father Donovan’s son (being a vampire) turned out to be true. Casius dealt with it. People aren’t happy about this revelation. Donovan is “gone” (dead). Casius has some thralls with him.

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    10 /10

    Castlefield - Vistani camp
    Discovery, Exploration

    Party leaves Alex's, heads into town. Waves to Morgan. Checks on the Church. People seem suspicious of the group in Castlefield. Head South toward Vistani camp.    Party are invited to see Madam Eva. Dench/ Bera/ Shasti get new card readings.    Dance in prep for Ascension night with the Vistani. Zailith great at it. Dench scrys on Casius. Eva basically tells Zailith her time is coming to an end.

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    11 /10

    The Windmill - Hag fight
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Zailith recalls a memory overnight. But there is more to this vision.   Party have made the decision to deal with the Hags. Bera wants a chance to talk to them, but finds out the true extent of their actions. Big fight. Rowan kills Morgan. Dench is taken. The party find the remaining hags have Dench in the Barrows. Fighting ensues. Zailith gets the final blow on Mary then Bessie. In the midst of battle the party haven't realised that Dench has been downed. They get to him too late. Try to use Revivify but fails. Dench dies.   The party checks on the remains of the Barrow while figuring out what to do about Dench. Find an ornate mirror and an assortment of other magical items. Bera finds contracts. Dench is burned along with the remains of the Barrow.    A new person enters the area - Paladin on a horse - sees the destruction and investigates the area. Party meets the newcomer - this is Varis. Has somehow wondered through the mists. Tentative truces formed. However, Varis does struggle to heal Zailith - feels wrong.    Bera had found, in the Barrow, a Box called: Argonvost’s Last Days Bera opens it in the windmill on the night. Chanting and a dragons voice [See notes for text].   Party rests. On watch figures can be seen with horses with a mane of fire. The party do not investigate til morning.

  • 834 PD

    12 /10

    Windmill - Vallaki
    Discovery, Exploration

    Morning at the windmill - there is a camp set up at the Barrow. Strahd and his cohorts have been waiting. Strahd came to investigate an incident/disturbance last night, and stayed to offer condolences to the party. Strahd asks what happened, and the party explains. Strahd says in a week Castlefield will be a mess.   Rowan and Strahd have a private conversation.    Esther mentions a mirror that Morgan had. When Strahd returns he mentions the loot from the hags is not pleasant, and one item in particular, a gilded hand mirror, that he wants to keep away from people. Rowan and Zailith head back to the windmill to fetch it with much reluctance. Rowan uses the mirror and tells Zailith Strahd wants the Agent of Asmodeus. Zailith then returns the mirror to Strahd and the vampires leave.    The party regroup and Rowasn reveals Strahd wants, within 5 days, one of the following: *To know who is in the tower - Rowan said an old man of no import. *To know who the agent of Asmodeus is in Barovia - Rowan said he didn’t know an active agent of Asmodeus. *Rowan to bring Tatiana to him.   The party go-over what they have taken from the Hags. Bera destroys the headdress.    After, the party go and check out the nearby Stone Circle.  Desecrated. The party unveil a series of runes in a pttern but without the necessary tools cannot cleanse it.    Back at the windmill, a final search reveals a jar of "what goes into pies" and an antidote. The party head up and head to Vallaki. Varis reveals how he came to be in the area.    Upon arrival in Vallaki, posters for the Festival of the Friendly Neighbour are up. Catch up with events in toewn (more people are being accused of treachery, more executions). Meet with Ireena. Hand over Alex's letter. At the church, Zailith feels a prickle he did not feel previously. Petrovich knows the holy bones are missing. Zailith explains what happened with the bones, and uses it to try and convince Petrovich that, when the time comes, the party may call on his aid.   Further meetings with the Baron/ Viktor. Viktor reveals the undead cat. He probably also made the toad monster.    Zailith spars with Ireena.    Visit with Blinsky. Zailith sets up a side hustle.    Back at the Inn on the eve party decide to keep watch. Rowan and Zailith with check out where people have been rumoured to be sneaking over the wall. Rowan polymorphs Zailith into an owl. As he'd perched near the Wachter house something attacks him. An imp. Because polymorph is lost they head back.    In the mean time Shasti catches Varis going through her bag. Some camp disagreements followed by some camp discussions ensue. A sort-of truce is formed. The party keep watch over night.

  • 834 PD

    13 /10

    Vallaki - Vistani camp - Stone Tower (Ascension Night)
    Discovery, Exploration

    Morning at the inn. Beras is going through the contracts she found. One of the Wachter boys enters the inn with a package (salve for imp poison) and an apology for Zailith.    Party next visits Izek. Informs about the hags. Bera then speaks to him privately. She gives him his blood contrtact. Reveals Hags set him up in Barons household. Reveals hags plan contingencies for the future of the coven but not allowing anyone to take their power. This has happened once before, with children being killed before transforming into hags. The child from Barovia is a new hag in the making. Will have to be dealt with. Bera begs for an opportunity to save the child. Discussions are had but the party re-group and head to the Wachter house.    They are let in but kept waiting. Definately being spied on by imps, but keep the pretence of letting Varis see if he can help Stella. He helps a little, so Wachta kid of softens a tiny amount.   She reveals to Varis she absolutely does not want the book back or anyone to know she had it in the first place. Speaks to him privately in the wine celler. Away from spying imps?   everyone back together. some discussion over the Varon V Wachta. Also reveals she knows the bones are gone/ speaks to a representitive of Strahd. On the attack on Zailith, she says the imp got excited. It thought Zailith was Zagrish(???).   Party heads to Vistani camp. Discuss the hag antidote with Zulmira. Zailith ends up removing Minala's collar and taking the potion.    Next go to converse with Aragul. \turns out Shasti slept with him last time she was here. Good for her. Aragul reveals Varis’ companion is at Ravenloft. If he delivers a message for Varis the party will owe him. Aragul is sad to see Shasti go.   Party leaves and heads to Stone Tower. Its empty but a message has been left. Bera makes Pavlova. Zailith and Rowan partake in Ascension Night rituals. Rowan given 3 Raven Feathers. To Zailith, the Raven Queen revals she casnnot advocate for him but if alll else fails she would welcome him as Sorrowsworn.    Zailith and Rowan return safely.

  • 834 PD

    14 /10

    Stone Tower - Huntress Fane - Stone Tower
    Discovery, Exploration

    Party heads North to the previously consecrated Fane. Werewolves spot them on route. Wolves do not believe the Fane has been consecrated, so follow the party. Once there the Fane looks as it did - however, this is an illusion crafted by Crow.    The party gain access, the werewolves likely think they were killed in the efforts. Crow is here alone, admits Shepherd has went to Krezyk. Crow also admits to watching the party progress. Rowan in turn tells Crow of what Strahd wants, that he's covered for them once but can't continue to do so. He needs to give Strahd something in order to get to his brother.    Crow also confesses that Shepherd is looking for a shrine or temple from before Castle Ravenloft. Way into the castle. Also, Shepherd carries a Hag curse - it's why he can't work with anyone. Crow is Sorrowsword (Zailith asks more about this) and Rowan's Feathers can be used to cast a Sending to Crow.    As party ready to leave Crow tells Zailith he can see a Hags curse on him. No one realised.    Back to the tower to pick up Varis. Shasti reads the book (Fifth time).   Take watch over night. Shasti attunes to the scythe.

  • 834 PD

    15 /10

    Argynvosthold - Krezyk
    Discovery, Exploration

    Bera leaves to head to Krezyk.    The party sets out for Argynvosthold.   It has a dark aura to it, but Varis seems determined to cleanse it. Protection from Good and Evil seems to help Zailith a bit, but he strongly feels he should not be here (curse or past? Unknown). the plan is to move fast here and not dawdle.    First fight happens on the first floor. Mysterious corridor, blocks off Varis. Shasti joins him. Zailith eventually breaks the wall. Party succeeds in this battle, move on toward a source of light a bird outside told them about. Narrowly miss a second fight. Head upstairs.    There is screaming in one room. Party chooses to move past. Varis finds and introduces himself to Vladamir, commander. Vladamir reveals the bones of Argonvost are not here, they are with minala, gifted to her by Strahd? Potential to heal this place if we get the bones back, which Varis promises to do.  He is reminded of Sir Godfrey, revealed to be his husband.    With permission, party go in search of Godfrey. find the scrying bowl, shasti sees her brother. They manage to have an actual conversation with Godfrey, find out more about the area and about Dawn's Blessing. Godfrey gives party an ornate chest, a reliquary, which should have held the bones in the tower. Rowan asks if he has the tools needed for the Weaver. Godfrey says the druids orchestrated the rite. Communities of druids still live in the Southern Mountains. Northern Mountains are uninhabitable.   Vladimir has attempted to retrieve the bones over the years. It took time to find them. Minala enchants objects to fly, to cover large distances and see what is happening. Avoiding these objects might help.Wildfey can be found in the swamp, the only place in the valley. How many are truly loyal to Minala is unknown.   Party leaves Argonvostholt without fighting thanks to Godfrey's directions.    Party heads back to Krezyk.    Zailith and Varis have a to-do at the shrine of Avandra. Varis storms off. Rowan and Zailith look for him at the inn, he's not there so they collect Shasti and go in search. Draw far-too much attention screaming in the streets. All goes a bit tits up but Varis seeks out the screaming and finds them.    Back at the inn, tensions still somewhat high, Rowan and Zailith peel off to use the bowl. It doesn't work for Zailith. Rowan getting more and more Child of Winter visions. The party re-group to read the book, in which Zailith succeeds (sixth time)   Varis also uses the bowl. Needs to return the bones.    Party rests for the night.

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    16 /10

    Krezk - Luna Lake
    Discovery, Exploration

    16th continued   The party entire is reunited at the abbey. Bera catches the party up with where she's been. She's caught Sherpherd up and done research in the abbey, both on hag curses and hag children.    Party meet with Abbott and discuss the curse. He suggests it may be Asmodeus waking. He offers to probe and Zailith allows it. This seems to anger the thing inside him, and is not potentially very awake - Zailith is advised to find out what it is there for. Abbot has managed to decifer the hag curse though:   The hag curse interferes with how Zailith’s body heals. As it advances, healing magic/items will get less effective, then non-effective, then it could actually hurt him in the long run.   Rowan asks where the locations are where the veil is thinnest between Barovia and Avernus. There is a gate beneath Castle Ravenloft. There may be another in the mountains (maybe south).   Party leaves Krezk mid-morning. Bera catches a LOT of fish. Head to Luna Lake. Bera goes for a swim, catches more fish. They move on in seach of the Fane.    Seeker Fane - In the centre is a pool. A stone projects into the pool from the land. The stones around the circle have carvings on them; abstract, swirling shapes. The water is clear and filled with human bones. Party find a dead druid, Varis takes the staff to examine outside of the circle. Shasti gets mad.    After some discussion Rowan suggests they don't cleanse the fane yet, maybe seek mountain folk first. Move up the path a little to make camp.   At camp Rowan reveals the sending stone.    Night is otherwise peacefil. Storms ahead.

  • 834 PD

    16 /10

    Discovery, Exploration

    Shasti and Varis head to the abbey for sunrise. join in morning service. Shasti reveals the Abbot is a celestial. However, the service is strange - everything in perfect unison. Somewhat unnatural.    Rowan and Zailith head to Tamreg's. Zailith has a business proposition. Shows him the bowl. somehow manages to put his foot in it about Castlefield, so then Rowan and Zailith have to talk him out of running there to get his daughter.    Rowan asks about the amulet - it shouldn't be evil, so Rowan finally puts the thing on (attunement). Zailith buys A Bucket With No Name. Rowan gets a Mysterious Box  They say goodbye and head towards the abbey to meet with the others. Rowan recieves a message.

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    17 /10

    Luna Lake - Up the mountain
    Discovery, Exploration

    Party heads further south. Gets colder. Storms ahead. Avoid a trap at the lake. The storm becomes too bad to really continue. Party are attacked by Fey storm creatures. It goes very badly. Near TPK. By some miracle the party makes it to a cave to wait for the storm to pass. The party takes a short rest.   The party tries to read the book - everyone fails. Decide to spend the night in the cave. Bera manages to somewhat secure their shelter and find enough wood to keep everyone alive.   During watches the noises of a large bird are heard, there's movement outside. No one engages. Rowan uses the token. Travels to Feywild. Meets Queen Mab. Discovers something of the 'Child of Winter' talk. Will not take his place in the Winter court until he has done something to aid his friends and Barovia. Returns.

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    18 /10

    Mountain Trail - Mountain settlement Yelberos
    Discovery, Exploration

    Party heads up mountain path. Sees signs of wildlife but doesn't meet any. Come to what was once a settlement, now abandoned. In a Church-like building Three statues at the end are of the Reshana. Around the edges of the building are shrines of other gods. A place for all kinds of worship. Not unheard of but not too common.   Mischief scounts ahead - there is a large creature ahead. Zailith tries and fails to cross the ice river. Rowan heads across as an actic fox, takes the end of a rope. A creature (large, hyena like, stinger for tail) attacks. Defeated fairly quickly. the party hears people, calls out, and half-orc people make themselves known.    These people know Shasti's brother. Share what they knew. He was with them, left weeks ago.  Ansgar and Serleo take the party to their village, Yelberos. This is the biggest village in the mountains, though others exist. Secrecy is their best defence. They share more of what they know of Shasti's brother.    Anlaf - the Chief’s Daughter - has strong magic and has been saying change is coming for about a week.   Party meets the Chief of the village and find out about the Amber Temple and that is incredibly rangerous. Find out Minala is essentially their seige lord and they pay her a debt - sons and daughters - 6 every 8 years. There is also a rumour that Minala had a child. Party reveals that the Huntress fane was cleansed, and is currently being protected. Do not reveal how.    Later, Zailith asks Ormir about the Hag curse and how to lift it. The rest of the party converse around camp with various people. Zailith brings the party together to attampt to remove the curse. Together Ormir and Rowan manage to remove it. More conversation, Ormir gives Zailith 3 flowers needed for the flying potion.    Party stays the night.

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    19 /10

    Mountain settlement Yelberos - Luna Lake area
    Discovery, Exploration

    Shasti has a great night, not with the party.  No one is shocked.   Sigrid tells them they won't remember the place when they leave. The village is protected. Privately, Zailith asks Anlaf how long he has before the thing in him is awakened:   She says she can’t tell him when it will happen, but it will happen soon. At a time of stress or pressure. It will need a catalyst, something to force the issue, but it won’t be long. The waking won’t kill him, she thinks, but after…? Anlaf says it's his companions who should prepare. It won’t kill Zailith, but it will be them to deal with it. Could push Zailith’s consciousness aside for a time.   Bera asks about the changelings - outside of the obvious answer of Death, Minala may be the one who can resolve it. Or try the Abbot.    Varis remains with mountainfolk for a while.    Party is escorted down the mountan. Camp again at previous site. Zailith reads the book.    Party check out their previously un-experimented with items they've acquired. (One sending stone, spinning top, eye in jar).   Shasti also speaks with the Scythe - named Twister (they/them). Find out their abilities and introduces Twister to the group. No one is thrilled by this but she attuned so making friends seems the wisest option.    Party keep watch through the night. Bera puts on the necklace she found previously (doesn't tell anyone). Rowan recieves a message “be close to a road and the coachman will find you.” Reveals this on waking.

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    20 /10

    Discovery, Exploration

    20th continued Varis returns. Bera and Zailith catch him up. Inform him they plan on going to Blinsky's shop later to investigate. Also informed about Theris joining the party. Privately, Varis reveals he gets an odd sense from Theris to Rowan.   All but Rowan and Shasti go to Blinksy's shop to invesitgate in the night. Nothing of particular importance is found in these investigations, and nothing more about how he died. Bera finds some letters suggesting he had feelings for Gidna. Bera picks up a little doll as a memento. She finds a model of a wolf finished with wolf fur. The belly opens as she picks it up and its insides spill out.   At the Inn Rowan attempts to read the book - he is particulary attempting to read the section that Zailith missed in the last read. He fails to find this specific section, but does read the next passge.

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    20 /10

    Berez - Minala's domain
    Discovery, Exploration

    The previous evening passes without incident. In the morning Rowan informs the Prince that the task was completed. Rahadin informs them to pass it to Arrigal, then come to the castle for their reward. They choose to delay this and deal with the Minala problem. They go to her domain on the pretence of offering a deal for the bones. Minala offers to take three days of service from Varis and in return she will show them where the bones lie. As Minala is only projecting herself, they cannot attack her and therefore must take a deal in order to get near her.   They are invited into Minala's domain on the pretence of coming to an arrangement. All but Rowan would struggle to recall the route, it takes hours. There are dangerous creatures around, but with Minala they seem safe. She takes them to a beautiful garden, or it appears to be. Only Rowan can see through this - it is broken, a swamp, and the garden is full of statues, but Rowan sees they are figures made of woven branches. Poking out are the black feathers of ravens.   They reach another arch. There are many, many statues.   Minala claims she will not stop the prince, but there are things she could offer to those who try. Essentially, she reveals that she supported the Prince to get protection from the Roshana. If the Prince is defeated, she could have control of the Valley. The party could regain their freedoms, but the valley would be hers. Part of this is that the cleansing of the fanes would cease.   Zailith actually talks a good talk, and convinces her that if the party retrieve the bones it will proive they have the stregnth to take on Strahd. She suggests that if they find them and retrieve them they can keep them.

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    20 /10

    Base of Mountain - Vallaki
    Discovery, Exploration

    Rowan recieves a message in the night to be close to a road and the coachman will find them. In the morning they set off down the road. The carriage comes into view, Melchior and Escher emerge. They inform the party of The Fidatov Manor incident. Something there the Prince wants, and wants the party to get it. Bracelet with 12 amethysts set into it. Appears every few hundred years. During conversation Escher removes Theris from the carriage, having clearly been beaten and not looking particularly well.    Before the partry leaves Escher returns Shasti's shadow - he's had it all along.    Rowan cannot, as he'd intended, do anything to his brother. Theris joins the party. Theris reveals his reasons for his actions, and why he fled and speaks about the Fey Courts and their contract.    The party heads to Vallaki, another ferstival is coming up. Visit Petrovich at the church, then Izek.    Izek has news, but it must remain secret, so he takers the party further into the reformation centre and through a darkened area that appears to block magic(?), it is very old and causes a sickness. Izek reveals that Blinsky has died, there is a note with the body “When godless days to darkness fall… I warned you this could be dangerous if misused. Perhaps an object lesson will be more effective.” Strahd has used the Mirror to kill Blinsky. Rowan and Zailith reveal this to the party and Izek.   Zailith and Theris go shopping, the rest of the party go to see the Baron. They explain the situation.   Zailith and Theris return in time for everyone to see Irena. She is remembering things in her sleep, and waking with more healing powers. Also recieved a strange letter from Alex.    Viktor next. Reveals he learnt the Identify spell.  the party ask him to Identify: Morgan's staff - unable to read it Singing church - hard to make out Bera's necklace - can make the truth more eloquent, but the links will dissapear as she lies (15 to start) Bucket - not risk free but should be ok Moving eye - it is linked to someone else In return Shasti teaches Viktor Detect Poison and Disease   The party returns to the Inn. Rowan and Theris talk - Rowan surmises that Imeel was likeklly alive and in the dungeons too. Shasti goes to flirt with Izek and is politely rejected.

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    21 /10

    Vallaki - Vistani Camp - Fidatov Manor
    Discovery, Exploration

    Intention is to go to the fidatov manor, by way of the Vistani camp. At the camp: Zulmira apologises but couldn’t replicate the pie cure potion from the remains. Rowan asks about the potions Zailith left with her. Pearly white - Potion of Frost Giant Strength Almost clear - Potion of Gaseous Form Blue - unknown Orange with yellow flecks - keep you safe from harm (Potion of Invulnerability [resistance to all forms of damage]) Black with sparkles - Love Potion (lasts for a few hours) Red with streaks of silver - Some sort of cure all, such as disease   He gives her the flowers needed to create a flying potion.   Zulmira tells the party of Yns Caetir, an old Elvish city, south of the Vistani Vamp. A lot of Elves still live there.   The party seeks out Arrigal who tells them Fidatov built Castle Ravenloft . Some sort of gathering at the manor and one man’s bitterness caused everyone to die. A disappointed suitor, supposedly.     The area of the manor is full off illusion magic. The party hesitantly enter. Varis and Bera masquerade ad guests, the rest go under Theris’ invisibility. Whilst inside Varis and Bera talk to guests, discover that some newer people to the valley have a friend -Anastasia - who has been staying at the castle. Zailith finds a note that confirms that Lady Fidatov is in danger. Between them, and over the course of the evening, the party each finds enough information to piece together that the Manor is cursed, that Dimitri is to blame.   While there, the party finds several items of note: *Some information about the castle's defences *A pouch with coloured pebbles and something akin to instructions *That there is an Avernus gate below the castle *That something resides in the maze *A disguised key for the tomb to the Avernus Gate   As day shifts to night the curse kicks in. The guests of the party are all becoming undead, all but one man who stands out as smug. A fight ensues, Marelina is revealed as a spirit. She gives a hefty dose of psychic damage and flees to the maze; those still conscious revive those who aren't. The smug looking man is revealed as Dimitri who made a deal with Morgan and caused the curse. A small touch of torture from Varis and he tells them about the crests, which they retrieve. They enter the maze cautiously but encounter the Deathhound anyway. It attacks.   Dantalion is revealed. He saves Zailith, but in doing so is revealed. A brief back and forth, time is of the essence, and Dantalion is transferred to Bera’s wolf toy. Zailith has no awareness of what happened.   With only minor difficulty, they navigate the maze. Bera speaks to the spirit of Lady Fidatov. Informs her of everything. She wants Dimitri. The party retrieve him for her. She kills him. Bera tries to explain everything. Some comfort is taken in this, and the place begins to melt away. The party quickly retreat. However, Zailith returns to loot the crypt as much as he can before it disappears. He finds the amulet and some gold and returns to camp.   The party reunite and talk through events.

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    Minala's Domain
    Discovery, Exploration

    Rowan informs Strahd they have the bracelet. They choose to deal with Minala before treating with Strahd.   They enter Minala’s domain and she appears. They ask about the bones, and a deal of sorts is made. The Roshana are of the Winter Court, and Minala says they will never agree to leave her be. So she supported the prince because she needed protection from the Roshana. They make her aware they wish to move against Strand, and while she can’t, she can support them in a roundabout way. If they can find the bones, they may take them.   With the help of locate object, and some efforts to avoid distractions, the party do manage to find the bones. On route they find a waxed leather pouch containing some locks of hair, a twist of nail perrin, and a round little ball of waxy substance and +1 leather studded armour.   They find the cave and discover that the bones are not a pile of bones, but an actual Bone Dragon.   A gem in the dragon’s ribcage, surrounded by black necrotic energy, seemed to be providing life to the dragon. A dramatic fight ensues, Theris reveals his hex blade. Everyone takes a lot of damage, but Theris delivers a final blow, the magic leaves the dragon as it falls to the floor, but the orb remains and is still shrouded by the energy. Dantalion shows the group some glyphs that can be used to form a barrier to suspend the effect caused by pulling the orb from the dragon. The sight of these glyphs makes Varis feel sick. After casting some healing spells, Bera and Zailith prepares the glyphs and circle as instructed by Dantalion. Zailith notices that it’s difficult to carve the glyphs. It’s unpleasant and nauseating, but he senses a source of potential power. If it could be tapped into, it could be useful…   With some effort of magic energy is disrupted and they manage to sever the bonds. The magic dissipates and there bones fall to the ground. Zailith takes the orb and Varis puts the bones in the box.   Short rest, discussion on events and forward planning.   The party return to Minala, on route they discover a green hag who offers shelter in return for secrets, or hair for directions. The party choose not to take a deal and move on, finding their own route back to Minala. Come across the ruins of Berez, but Minala takes priority and they plan to return and explore Berez later. Realise that red birds seems to be following them…   Another short rest before going to engage with Minala. Upon their return to her garden she is clearly wary and there are statues around. Fight ensues, the statues come to life. Minala is most worried by what Zailith has brought into the valley, after he falls and Dantalion takes over. The fight itself doesn’t seem too concerning to her. However, her high level spells are blocked with well placed counter spells and she eventually falls, Bera delivering the final blow. Dantalion willingly relinquishes his hold on Zailith so the party can heal him.   No one is convinced Minala is dead. Long Rest.

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    Minala's Domain - Berez
    Discovery, Exploration

    Minala’s body hasn’t changed overnight. Leave the greenhouse. Accidentally engage and awaken more scarecrows. Through a series of terrible events, terrible rolls, and an entirely avoidable fight the scarecrows that were activated are eventually killed. The party has taken heavy damage. The red birds are still around. The party burns Minala’s body, which releases acrid smoke and causes damage. Half the day is gone.   They explore Berez, there are more red birds in the area, and when they enter the only buildings still semi-standing they are plunged into memories of the past. In the Church Zailith and Varis see it being set on fire, people trapped inside. In the Town Hall memory Bera meets Mirell, a previous reincarnation of Irene, who loves her version of Strahd but who the townspeople decide must die. Bera flees rather than going through with this.   Behind the Church, Shasta and Rowan find a magically preserved monument with the words Know that you are avenged my lover and return to me swiftly.   Rowan receives a party summons from Strahd.   They continue to explore the area and follow the red birds and find a locked pen with what sounds like goats inside. Rowan speaks to the goats and they realise that the goats are the mountain folk and they are used to fuel Minala’s magic. They disable the alarm atop the stockade and free the goats. Through difficult magic, and the help of Twister, Shasti and Rowan convert one of the goats back to his true form - Ulric. They don’t have the magic to do the rest and fear to try.   Now with an additional party of goats they continue to move toward Minala’s tower. The tower is protected, and attacks those that try to enter. There is a stain on the door, but unsure what the stain is Rowan retracts to a safe distance while a truly traumatic series of events take place. Zailith scales the tower and attacks the trap door at the top, it takes some damage but his presence on the tower causes lightning strikes. Shasti attacks the back door with a chaos bolt which ignites the whole tower, downing Zailith. As he has stopped responding Rowan shifts to giant eagle, takes Bera who gets a rope round Zailith, getting him off the tower. Bera then misty steps, takes high fall damage, and downs herself on the floor. Between Varis and Shasti, the downed people are healed.   Rowan points out this is clearly a puzzle stop attacking the tower. Bera realises the blood is needed. Ulric donates blood and it is enough to open the door.   They start at the basement, work their way upwards. The basement is a place where the way to the feyrealm is thin. The ground floor holds many cages. The first floor has a plant that Zailith calls Rowan to come and look at. The plant attacks Zailith, and while fire damages it it also causes it to release a perfume. The plant takes damage from the party, but eventually swallows Zailith. Rowan resorts to blight, which causes heavy damage and nearly kills Zailith. They explore the now-cleared area. Shasti eats a bloodied red feather.   The second floor is a living area. In it a goat has been hanged so that it’s blood drops on a wax figure of Minala. Rowan frees and heals the goat, though it remains unconscious.   Many other items of significance are found in this room. Rowan finds spell components. Bera finds contracts and a weaver fane diagram. Of most significance, the party find Minala enacted the contract with Strand to protect her child.   The party decide to burn the wax figure, but do it outside. In doing so, the red birds attack but are taken down one by one. When the figure is destroyed, the final bird dies too.   The party then split. Theris, Varis, Rowan and the goats remain art the tower. The other’s seek out the Hag.   At the Hag, Bera learns of Minala’s child and befriends the Hag Jenny. The party trade their secrets for what is revealed to be the Spindle and Distaff. Shasti also trades her hair for information on Minala’s child which is revealed to be Madam Eva   The party reunite at the tower. Bera fails to read the book, Shasti succeeds.   Rest in the tower.

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    Minala's Domain - Vallaki - Castle Ravenloft
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party head toward Valaki with the intention of leaving the goats with Danika. She willingly takes them in, not shocked they were once people. Ulric intends to head back to the mountains once he gets his strength back. They decide to head to the Castle early, informing Rahadan of their intentions.   There are spectral guards atop the walls of the castle. Escher is waiting for them. He informs them that Strand is busy and won’t be free until morning. The party offer to return, and Escher makes it clear they will stay. They are given rooms - Shasti and Zailith together, Rowan and Bera, with Theris and Varis separate.   Rowan and Bera remain in their room, aware that they are on thin ice with Strand.   Theris uses invisibility to attempt to find the things he was first brought to the castle with. In doing so he finds his two rings.   Varis went for a walk, discovered the cellar area, but to his knowledge this was not discovered.   Zailith and Shasti are concerned by a painting in their room, fearing it may be used to spy on them Shasti removes it. Then Zailith and Shasti take Dantalion up on his offer to cause chaos. They discover the chapel and with very little prompting from the fiend Shasti draws some sort of Hell-ish circle on the grounds of the chapel. Zailith does nothing to stop this. They return to their room, their activities undiscovered.

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    Krezk - Minala's Tower
    Discovery, Exploration

    PART 1   Zailith, Bera and Varis go to see Gidna. Zailith asks for fortitude or wisdom from the Moradin, so he may help and protect those he cares for and swears to help. Between the three of them, they pay for Zailith’s bracers to be made.   Bera reveals the truth of Blinky’s death to Gidna, and gives her his letters, for which she is very grateful. Bera implores Gidna to help people who are willing to fight if she can. Gidna agrees. Will make sure that, when the time comes, she will supply weapons to all in Krezk.   At the lodging house, Rowan and Shasta talk about her changes. He shares his concerns about the fact she seems quite trusting of Dantalion. She maintains she wants to visit the abbot - she wants to heal, so they head to the abbey.   Zailith, Varis, Bera, Theris, and Dantalion go to visit Tamreg and his shop of curiosities. They tell him Minala is dead, seems likely he will go there now despite the warnings against it. Bera picks up a sleeping potion. Zailith picks up a bag of ash. They leave.   At the abbey, Shasti asks about her brother. A monk reveals that there was a badly hurt man who’d been under the care of the Professor, an alchemist and potion maker.   The abbot makes time to see Rowan and Shasti. He takes them to see the Tatiana copy. Through Message with Shasti he reveals that she is a perfect copy and will be ready when needed. She is his offering to this place. Out loud, Shasti enquires about the Professor. He may return in a few days. He will try and arrange a meeting in future for the two.   Rowan asks about the new priest in Castlefield. The Abbott said he was curious, too. Strahd drew someone in from outside, but this priest seems unhappy about her new position. Priest is called Sanni Ithilrien. Has been in the valley since the 17th of Cuersaar. Castlefield is getting worse, and it’s not helped with her unease at being here.   Shasti then asks for advice, reveals her new changes. The abbott understands that doing things for the greater good may seem questionable to some. He sees her as an ally now. Rowan asks about the werewolves; they’ve withdrawn, he hopes to use Strand’s captives but the Prince isn’t keen on sharing. The Abbott reveals he is due to see the Prince soon, so Shasti and Rowan leave.   Everyone reconvenes and heads to Minala’s domain. Rowan tries again to reach Arctic Tor and fails. As they head to Minala’s tower, Rowan flies to Valaki as a giant Eagle to get goat blood should they need it to open the tower. He speaks to Danika, who tells him that Ulric and the goats left with (a copycat) Rowan yesterday.   Rowan returns to the group, tells them that it’s likely that someone from the castle has taken the goats and is using them to lead them to the Mountain folk. The party debate but decide to keep going to the tower. They get there, it’s still open, and Rowan tries a third time to reach Arctic Tor and fails again. It is clear that Theris knows something and is keeping secrets. Bera snaps and turns on him.   Rowan leaves the party, and Zailith follows. With some words of encouragement and a touch of tough love, Zailith encourages him to return to the group. Meanwhile, Shasti has cut off her braids and that Varis has looked in Kara’s pack and is clearly emotional. Rowan and Bera read the letter he shows them.   Short rest.

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    Weaver Fane - Minala's Tower
    Discovery, Exploration

    Part 2   Head to the Weaver Fane. With a lot of preparation and forward planning the party succeed in securing the Fane with minimal casualties. Theris, Varis and Rowan all take lasting damage but Bera and Zailith between them manage to awaken all the runes before the Boneclaw can get an attack in.   The party make their offerings and are given boons in return: Rowan: staff. - - - Dream Spell Bera: wedding ring - - - - consider mercy for Minala’s former servants Shasti: braids - - - - vampires will not be able to turn Shasti Varis: Kara’s letter - - - - a message to the paladins Zailith: folded up parchment - - - - temporary protection to possession Theris: ring - - - - Heroes Feast Cup   In offering the ring Theris reveals this is what was stopping Rowan from reaching Mab.   Weaver informs the party they will need to go to the Amber Temple, a place of confinement with evil held within. One adversary within has broken free, as they know (Khiriad). Defeating Strahd would force the entity to find another host. To free the valley, they will need to imprison the entity - and do so within the temple itself.   Fane cleansed, the party leave the area and head back to Minala’s tower accompanied by Will-O-Wisps (non-hostile). As they do so, Varis gets the sense of something watching in the shadows, an undead presence. There are two shadows at Bera’s feet, and one begins to coalesce and takes the shape of a male dwarf. Disbelieving, Bera draws her crossbow and only when the figure recites their wedding vows she confirms this to be Melnus, her husband. He reveals that he stopped people taking their son and has followed the wagon back here. He’s been in Barovia two nights.   Short on time, Zailith convinces the party to walk and talk. Melnus tries to make light chat with Bera, who doesn’t engage. At the tower, Rowan states he doesn’t want Melnus inside and Bera agrees. He agrees to stay outside and Bera gives him a rope shelter. Inside, the rest of the party converse. Bera doesn’t understand how he’s here, last saw him three years ago and was sure he was dead. Much discussion is had on the topic of Melnus and of Bera’s history.   Rowan scries for Bera and successfully sees that her child is safe. He states he is going to try to reach Mab again, and that Bera could use the opportunity to speak with Melnus. Zailith and Theris follow him outside, Bera returns to Melnus. Zailith heads to the roof.   This time, Rowan’s attempt is successful. Uses the opportunity to gain more insight on Dantalion, and is given the task of restoring the Roshana. Agrees to take up his position in the Winter Court if Mab can offer her aid and in doing so is offered a choice of staff - rowan or yew - he chooses rowan. The boundary restricts it, but Rowan does gain a degree of Winter’s power. When he returns he must find rowan wood to form a new staff to fully receive the boon. He returns.   He and Theris talk briefly, confirming an oath was made. Before they re-enter the tower Rowan tells Theris and Varis that Dantalion cannot be trusted, and at some point they will have to deal with that. If Zailith is killed outright, the connection may be severed, and they are realistically the heaviest hitters. Rowan tells them to shut those thoughts into the back of their mind, which Varis clearly struggles with, so Rowan suggests he take a walk.   Elsewhere, Bera has been speaking with Melnus. She asks him about the night he vanished. He’d become drawn to toying with dark magics, and one morning the Weave formed in Nik. He began testing the boy, and pushing his own limits. On that fateful night, Melnus returned to his books for a definitive answer. Next thing he knows, he’s looking over his own body. Something of his own doing, a ritual, killed him. He’s heard tales of passing through a door after death but there was nothing for Melnus. He was stuck between life and death. He reveals to Bera that his current form is an illusion, he isn’t sure what he is but magic has left its mark. Offers to stand against Strand if the party will have him.   Inside the tower, Varis tries to read the book and fails, giving himself an almighty headache.   Rowan receives a message on the sending stone from Rahadin: you have made a mistake. Report to Arrigal’s camp at dawn.   Cue big discussion over whether to go, whether to even arrive at the desired time. With some gusto from Shasti, Rowan sends a message back that they’ll meet at noon.   Before resting, Melnus checks out several of the party’s curios.   Zailith signs the contract with Dantalion during his watch.

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    Minala's Domain - Arrigal's Camp - Krezk - Seeker Fane (N)
    Discovery, Exploration

    Part 1     Rowan used the Dream spell during the night in an attempt to contact Ulric. Rowan explains that the woman he’s with is likely Anastasia, and that he cannot lead her to mountain village and tells him then paladins are near. Ulric understands what is being asked.   In the morning, Melnus and Dantalion are introduced. The party discuss the benefits of going to Arrigal’s camp. Dantalion offers to Scry for free and in doing so sees Arrigal pacing up and down in a restless form of anxiety. The camp is quiet compared to normal. There is a contingent with Rahadin, Renata, and Volenta - with thralls. The trio are dressed formally, how Strahd prefers people to be dressed. Could mean Strahd is there.   The party decides to split. Zailith will run to Krezk alone to get his items from Gidna. Rowan leads the rest of the party from the swamp. Once clear he finds some rowanwood and spends some time crafting a new staff. It is now very close to the meeting time. Rowan decides to Wildshape into a bird and meet Rahadin, while the others go fetch Irena and bring her to the camp, knowing full well this is not going to happen. It’s a story for Strahd.   Zailith and Dantalion: The pair spot an ambush on route and decide to take the longer road, they spot a figure and give chase as it attempts to flee. Zailith gives Dantalion permission for possession when he is attacked and, when he comes back to himself, is aware there will be a cost. At Krezk, a guard mentions no one has arrived from Vallaki today. He heads straight to Gidna and receives his new bracers. He uses pass without a trace to return, mostly avoiding any more encounters.   Rowan: Rowan travels to the camp as a giant eagle, but approaches on foot. He is spotted and Arrigal approaches. Rowan tells him he is alone as he is the fastest and the others are on route but he came ahead so as not to be late. Arrigal says it’s too late, Rahadin left for Vallaki a couple of hours ago. Rowan asks what their business was, but Arrigal doesn’t know anything other than it involved the party. Their absence was…regrettable. Arrigal was told to watch for the party’s arrival, keep them here and let Rahadin know. Rowan being alone, however, changes things. Rowan persuades Arrigal to let him go, and Arrigal warns the road is being watched. Arrigal looks a bit confused with himself. Rowan returns to giant eagle form checks in on Vallaki. Buildings look shut up, and it looks like a lot of people headed for the church – but no sign of violence. Lots of disruption followed by quiet. People on the walls look terrified, but not thralls.   Rowan finds the rest of the party on the road. He updates them on Arrigal and they discuss options, Vallaki feels like a trap. Zailith is late returning. Rowan scries on Petrovitch and sees that there’s a lot of people in the church, many are praying while others are sitting in groups. There’s a lot of fearful expressions but there’s also a sense of calm. There’s no sign of Irena.   With no sign of Zailith the party make the decision to go to the seeker fane in the hope that Zailith will follow. Bera leaves a note formed of pebbles with Mischief on the road for him.   They decide to take a boat over the lake. To do so Bera and Melnus sneak up and manage to successfully work together to steal two small fishing boats, with Rowan keeping watch and moving between the parties in magpie form. Varis and Shasti are aware of movement in the trees and point it out when Rowan comes to collect them. He leads them to the boats, though Varis lacks stealth. As a group, they head onto the water.   Meanwhile, Zailith has found the note. He chooses to skirt Vallaki and go towards the lake. In doing so, he sees the rest of the party on boats and uses his water running ability to catch up. With some mixed abilities, the party reunites and manages to get across the lake. Zailith has clearly been in some sort of fight. They inform each other of the day so far.   The party get to the fane and after a brief investigation, with not much gleaned, they begin. Varis, Theris, Melnus and Bera take positions at compass points. Rowan activates the rite with Shasta as sacrifice.   During the rite, Theris, Varis, Melnus and Bera face four rounds of different environmental effects as the ritual takes place. Their role is to protect the ritualists, who have a small level of protection granted by the rite, but must be otherwise allowed to complete the ritual. This protection from the party comes through various means; first from cold, a storm, poisonous air, insects, darkness. In addition, the mental effects take its toll. Paranoia and fear is rife and it becomes difficult to focus on the task. Theris turns on Varis and Varis is briefly downed, saved by Bera. All of this transpires while the ritualists are at work in the fane.

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    Seeker Fane
    Discovery, Exploration

    Part 2 -  The Ritual inside the Fane   Shasta and Rowan arrive in what appears to be an early Barovia. They are met with a woman who tasks them with retrieving four gems, one for each season. The first trial involves an owlbear and some fearful elves. Around its neck is a pouch. Through a series of failed distraction attempts, and failed attempts to grab the pouch, Shasti does eventually get the pouch and Rowan blocks the owlbears advance with wall of fire. The elves safe, they converse, they have left their war-torn home to find peace. They direct the party of two onwards to the next destination.   The second location is a rocky tower where Ravenloft will sit in future. The pair reach the outskirts of a fairly large gathering of elves. Old fashioned clothes but ceremonial in nature. A procession is underway; singing, chanting, carrying torches. Aimed at Corellon. Here, Shasti uses charisma and thaumaturgy to perform a dance from her village. She is wildly successful, and the priest blesses her by giving her a red gem.   The third location is Yesterhill in bloom. Harvests have failed and people have split into two groups. Those at the base are sick and starving, those at the top are hoarding what there is. They converse with the two groups, but ultimately the solution is to try and drive the corruption from the tree. They do so successfully, and are offered a reward. Shasti asks for the orange gem, which is given.   The fourth location is high in the southern mountains. A large bird tries to prevent them reaching a cave higher up. Many attempts are made, using wild shapes and Conjured Eagles and well timed Misty Steps. Shasti finds a clear gem at the first peak, but the trail doesn’t end. Unsure, she continues to the caves. The area is difficult, and the Conjured Eagles prove useful .Eventually, Shasta finds a place in the cave to place the gems. She meets the Seeker, but Rowan is late arriving as Shasti went ahead. Eventually they are reunited, and they converse with the Seeker together.   Rowan uses Mab’s influence to demand the return of Shasti - she cannot be taken as sacrifice, even Shasti is impressed by his confidence. This may have repercussions when the veil lifts and they can access Mab’s court. Reluctantly, the Seeker concedes and answers the party questions: The Temple can be restored - or all they have done is create a delay. Though even with Khiriad gone, not all is as it should be. Dantalion’s influence is difficult to trace, and he may twist the path at the last moment. Seeker tells the two to go to the Amber Temple, there’s materials there to repair the Temple, and then they should face Strahd. As Rowan exercises the extent of Mab’s power, the Seeker makes a final concession to Rowan - the land will shelter and hide the party.

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    Seeker Fane (N) - Vallaki - Huntress Fane
    Discovery, Exploration

    Part 3   The ritual ends, and the attacks on the fane stop. The party are reunited and take the time for a short rest. Rowan only tells the party that they must go to the Amber Temple first, the tools needed are there, and then to face Strahd. This pleases Dantalion. Dantalion is asked to scry on Irena, but it fails. Rowan uses Commune with Nature and detects powerful undead near Vallaki. Reluctant to abandon Irena, the party form a loose plan to check in on the town.   Rowan Wild Shapes in order to scout Vallaki, while the rest of the party cross the lake on stolen boats. In Vallaki, the northern gates are closed. There is a person-shaped creature on Lady Wachta’s house, but Rowan steers clear. There is a sense of fear and confusion in town, but the Church’s doors are open. He heads to the Inn, which is open and busy. It appears vampires were in town, but have gone, some people were taken, and there is some talk that the Baron is a coward. Unable to get close enough to hear more, and shooed away, Rowan retreats back to the party.   Meanwhile, the party are taking the boats across the lake to West. They struggle somewhat, but they make it across and meet Rowan. He reports his findings, and they head towards the Stone Tower. Zailith notes the road is being watched, so they stay off it. Bera sends Mischief to scout, and one of the figures grabs him and kills him, which makes them suspicious. The party use a combination of flying and stealth and Zailith attacks first. They dispatch two thralls, but it appears one may have got away. They move forward to the tower, knowing their location has likely been discovered. In doing so they discover more thralls on the tower.   The party manage to destroy the two thralls before they escape, and Bera manages to unlock the tower before the shadows form on the causeway. Upon inspection, there are bodies (unfamilliar people, likely hunters) in the tower and the inside has been ransacked. The party, deeply paranoid, separate the heads from the bodies and throw them in the lake. Dantalion shows Zailith how to make the area safe from scrying. Rowan takes some time to cast Divination, and asks what they can expect in the morning. He see’s Melchior’s smirking face. Much debate ensues, as the party finally decide that this is not a safe place to stay. Using various flying methods the party decide to head North to the Huntress fane, where they left Crow.   At the fane, there is evidence there’s been people in the area. Rowan knocks on the stone, and Crow opens it. The party see that he appears extremely drained, but eventually they enter the underground area and Varis pulls the stone back over to cover it. Rowan introduces him to the new members of the party, though Dantalion stays invisible.   Crow knows the fanes are reconnected, and expected trouble tonight as a result. The Huntress has punished the werewolves and the survivors have fled north. Shepherd has headed East to speak to Eva. The party update Crow on their own successes. Crow is slightly odd; something about Varis as Lord Commander makes him afraid, and something about Argonvosthold seems to make him sad? But he is clearly in pain when Varis embraces him.   Each side shares what they know of the Amber Temple. Varis and Theris start sniping at each other as the party discusses the possibility of leaving the mists and returning with help. Zailith stops them.   Rowan shows Crow the book, explains it, and offers it to the party to read. Zailith tried and fails, Varis succeeds. [Reading of the Tome]   After the book is read and shared, the party settles down for the night.   During the first watch, Rowan notices that Crow appears to be overstressed and unwell. He speaks to him, and discovers that Crow is suffering the consequences of not using the power he was granted as intended. Rowan promises to aid him as he can.   Second watch, Zailith. Dantalion explains the Church of Ioun decided to work with the Obsidian Throne because they remember the bindings that originally trapped Khiriad. Depending on the situation, it may be the solution.   Third watch, Theris doesn’t notice anything.   Fourth watch, Varis and Theris continue to be petty.

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    Huntress Fane - Krezk
    Discovery, Exploration

    Part 1   When Zailith wakes his eyes are itchy and strange. Dantalion guesses this is an impact of using infernal power - he has elongated pupils and can now see invisibility once a day. This is not easily hidden; his eyes are clearly abnormal.   Rowan keeps his promise to Crow and offers his aid. Crow suggests they go outside as the fane is small. Bera accompanies them to keep watch. Rowan focuses on his druidic magic and casts Greater Restoration. No one sees what affect this has in the moment, but when completed Crow does appear better. Crow uses this opportunity to point out that Zailith is in grave danger, Rowan tells him of the contract and Crow warns that these creatures lie. Rowan assures him that they are working on something. Crow says he saw Zailith’s performance at the rite of ascension, and if it comes to it she can’t end the contract but she can hold it indefinitely and this may be his only chance.   As they return to the group, Bera notices that Crow has a guarded expression and a look of joy when no one is looking. This causes paranoia in her, and she “accidentally” spills holy water on him. He is surprised, but there is no sense of subterfuge from him. Bera asks about the look, and he briefly looks like he’s going to transform. Admits instead this is no place for personal feelings, and that’s no excuse for neglecting one’s duty.   Bera asks about Shepherd - he went to see Madam Eva. After that he will head to Castle Ravenloft. She asks Crow to join the party, and though he will if asked, he doesn’t think it’s the right move and asks instead to find Shepherd. Bera asks how they can contact him, and he says Shepherd may have a way. Once given leave to do so, Crow bows to Bera before turning into a giant bird and leaving.   Meanwhile, Rowan tells Dantalion that this change in Zailith is not the devil lying low. They argue for a time, with Dantalion saying the sooner they get to the Temple the better. With little choice, they head out toward Krezk for final supplies before they head into the mountains. As they get closer to the town and roads they try to remain as stealthy as possible.   As they reach Krezk, Rowan wild shapes to scout the town while the rest of the party find a cave to shelter in. As he gets closer, the gate is closed and there are Monks- not guards - atop the wall. On further inspection of the town he sees that the town is quiet, buildings are shut up, Monks in the streets. In the centre, the square, three bodies are hanging from posts; Lady Anna, Caddoch, and a man they don’t recognise. The bodies have been drained of blood. Four monks are standing outside Anna’s house.Rowan sees a lot of activity at the Abbey. Another dozen or so monks are patrolling the walls around the Abbey. There’s a sense of purpose and planning here.   Meanwhile Bera and Theris find suitable caves to rest in. Rowan finds them and shares what he has seen. A long debate ensues while the party figure the best course of action. Krekz is dangerous, but they can’t go into the mountain without winter supplies. Bera could sneak in, or they could try elsewhere. Eventually it’s decided that Theris and Melnus make Bera and Zailith invisible and grant her flight. Bera is to get into Krezk and get the winter clothes. Zailith will watch from the trees and keep an eye out for danger/Bera.   Bera flies to the wall, up and over, and into Krezk. She heads straight for the clothing shop. She sees Mirrell in her living quarters, so Bera quietly enters the shop and looks for winter clothes. She finds them immediately and picks up two sets of winter clothes and spots a healing potion tucked away on a shelf at the back. She grabs it, too. Bera sneaks out again. From outside Krezk, Zailith uses See Invisibility and sees Bera leave the clothing shop and make her way out of Krezk. Before getting to the cave, Zailith confirms what Bera took and asks how much she left. She left nothing, and looks devastated. Zailith isn’t impressed.

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    Castle Ravenloft - Argonvostholt - Krezk
    Discovery, Exploration

    Meeting with Strand, Anastasia and Escher. The party tell him that Minala was turning on him, therefore they had little option but to defeat her as she had revealed her plans to them. Zailith gives him the dragon orb as proof. Accepts it does show she was keeping secrets. Zailith also gives the bracelet. He’s not happy, and Rowan (due to divination) knows the only way out of this is to make a new deal. Strahd wants the party to bring Irena to the castle. The bracelet is for her.   In an attempt to buy time, Zailith asks if they could have longer in order to help the mountain folk first. Clearly Strahd did not know these people existed, and plans to investigate. Strahd expects the Queen the day after tomorrow (27th).   Strahd gives the party their reward for retrieving the bracelet - +1 Adamantine armour. Varis takes the armour and as they leave he gives Rowan a note suggesting Theris has fiendish qualities.   As they leave they round on Zailith, blaming him for putting the mountain folk at risk. This is catalyst that causes Rowan to realise he must take up his position in the Winter Court.   Theris confesses what he got up to in the night, and reveals a pair of silver rings. Gives one to Rowan. They allow the two to communicate telepathically.   Dantalion reveals the extent of the chaos they caused in the night. Much conversation occurs, but the party return to Argonvost. Once there, Varis replaces the casket of bones on the plinth and a beacon lights. This beacon can be seen throughout the valley and will bring hope to many people.   The revenants are all heading to the chapel. The party follows. Varis thanked for the restoration. Vladimir offers Varis his great sword. The remnants are to walk the Plain of Ash tonight, but Vladimir and Godfrey stay and offer their support. Varis sends them to help. The mountain folk.   Vladimir then reveals his amulet, hands it to Shasti, who takes it eagerly. As the amulet, the Dawn’s Blessing, sits in her hand, Shasti transforms. Two great, weathered wings form on Shasti’s back but they last only a few seconds before changing. The feathers drop off, leaving skeletal, tattered, and hideous wings in their place. Shasti’s eyes turn a glaring red. She faints. Her actions have corrupted her.   Much discussion breaks out, but Varis takes Dawn’s Blessing for now. The party head to Krezk. Rowan, Bera and Varis go to the abbey. Zailith takes Shasti to the lodging house.   The party at the abbey ask the abbott what they can do about Danatalion. He offers a few possible solutions, but stresses they should find out why he’s here.   They return to the lodging house and Shasti wakes, unaware of what had happened. The party inform her. And she reveals she desecrated the Chapel. Overwhelmed, she tries to tap into radiant consumption and can’t. She asks to be left alone.   Downstairs in the tap room is a lot livelier than usual. Everyone seems a lot happier. Much conversation is had, Bera spends some time socialising. Finds out the giant wolf has been sacrificed at a fane up north. Possible sightings of the Huntress.   Zailith heads to bed. Dantalion uses this opportunity to speak with Shasti. He offers her his services, but mostly she refutes him and accepts the consequences of her decisions.   Dantalion returns to Zailith and, sensing his unhappiness about things, offers him a beautifully presented contract.   Now alone, Shasti uses the opportunity to read Strahd’s tome.   A little time passes and Rowan heads up too. Varis and Bera stay to enjoy the party.   Rowan attempts to use the Coin to reach Arctic Tor. Nothing happens. He messages Crow, who reveals the Huntress is active.