Freespar Manor

The Freespar Manor is gothic style manor on the border of Plaza South and Plaza West in the heart of Precinct One. The home's stone exterior is painted in black with white and gold trim. The back of the property runs up to the side of the giant wall that separates Plaza South and Plaza West, casting the home in shadow for much of the morning hours.
  The entire property is surrounded by a two-story high polished iron fence. Every 200 feet, a 2-foot wide ivory sculpt of the Freespar family crest is embedded into the bars of the fence. The main gate to the manor is protected by two guards with a small stone guard post set into the fence. Through the bars of the main gate, you can see that it opens onto a wide, paved cobblestone path, large enough to accomodate a Selesnyan War Mammoth.


The Freespar Manor is gothic style manor on the border of Plaza South and Plaza West in the heart of Precinct One. The home's stone exterior is painted in black with white and gold trim. The back of the property runs up to the side of the giant wall that separates Plaza South and Plaza West, casting the home in shadow for much of the morning hours.   The entire property is surrounded by a two-story high polished iron fence. Every 200 feet, a 2-foot wide ivory sculpt of the Freespar family crest is embedded into the bars of the fence. The main gate to the manor is protected by two guards with a small stone guard post set into the fence. Through the bars of the main gate, you can see that it opens onto a wide, paved cobblestone path, large enough to accomodate a Selesnyan War Mammoth.
Manor house / Meeting hall
Parent Location
Additional Rulers/Owners


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