S2E5 Session Report

Party heads into the Under City, which is inhabited like Kraul (praying mantis people). Rot farm is in this neighborhood. Grolgari run this rot farm and the others in the Under City. Brobourg - the neighborhood we're in. Peren is a Devkarin (drow) Kraul guarding the entrance say that the death priestess of the neighborhood has the area on lockdown. Dream tries to flash her Azorius badge to get in, but they say they're not welcome here. Sylas tried with his Guildpact badge, but they reiterate that the place is in lockdown. Then Da'Har speaks to them in undercommon, and they finally let Theo, Da'Har, and Sylas down, but don't permit Dream in. The three go 400ft diwn into a dark hole via a rope. Moss and vine covered gate is at the entrance of the hallway that we end at. The vines are slowly moving. Kraul warrior says something in Kraul, and the vines split to let us pass. Death priestess comes down the stairs to meet us. She seems young, nervous, and confused. 'Kakerlake' is the death priestess name. Kraul don't like the Azorius because of their investigation in the rot farms. Kakerlake asks Dream is she knows Yavia and is familiar with his inquisition, Dream says no. Kakerlake doesn't want us searching around. Theo says that she's with the Freespar Family and the Orsov, and Kakerlake let's them in, but we have to promise not to start any trouble. Theo clarifies, and it's boiled down to us not starting anything with the locals, and not swinging the first punch. Guard tells us how to get to Peren's house. Theo turns her cloak back around to show the Orzov colors, and Dream takes of her coat and rubs some dirt into her blouse to look less Azoriusy. Dream casts augary to ask which way we should go. Sylas pulls a random tarot guard. Theo goes peering around. Their is a double door that seems more ornate at one end of the room. There's a courtyard downstairs, and Dream's augury spell seems to say to go downstairs. First door is a Goblin in a rocking chair (Dream uses Minor Illusion. Second, ornate gate seems to have a pet inside, says Sylas. Third door is empty. Fourth (last) door Da'Har knocks at. Essan recognizes his voice. She's in plate armor and has the Freespar staff in her hand. Theo holds Dream back and tells her to play it cool. Essan calls us behind the door quickly, says that she's in a precarious situation. She seems surprised by Da'Har's presence, and very tense. She says that there is a creature magically subdued by her, that she needs to leave, and sneak away from it. Da'Har says he's there for the staff. She says she's a House Dimir agent. Gustavo was her superior agent. She is on the run from the Dimir after finding the staff. She says Triskelion consumed Peren's body and turned him into this creature (mix between the laughing hand and the creature from Pan's labrynth). Essan tells us: The Dimir wanted to take all of the signets, overthrow the guildpact, bend it to their will, and control all of ravnica. All ten guilds were seeking out the signets in some way for the last decade. When Essan found out what the crown and staff were, she stole them and is now on the run from the Dimir and Gustavo. She's being tracked by the Guild Pact. She worked with Nassius Ven, Gustavo, and the Dimir to break into the evidence locker and steal the staff. Theo pitches: to get us all out, have Essan work as a double agent in the dimir. she tells us where the items are, we steal them first? Essan says no, that she went to the Dusk Mantle, the HQ of the Dimir, and made it out alive once. There is no going back for her. Signets were created 10076 years ago by guild masters. They can only be attuned to someone within that guild. Szade, a head of the Dimir, changed the enchantments when they were crafted so that a Dimir member can attune to all 10. Essan says she's attuned to the Staff of Craj, but that she can't attune to any other one. Dream says that she's willing to work with Essan, and Essan as we should figure it out after we decide what to do with Peren. Dream tries to detect thought, and he and Essan can tell that Peren is in there somewhere, but no one can think of how to seperate him and the Triskelion. The party votes to kill him. Sylas decapitates him while he's incapacitated by Essan's sleep spell. Body rapidly decomposes. Peren's soul hovers above his body. A demonic spirit hand grabs the souls chest and pulls him down. Golden chains wrap around the spirit's wrists and start pulling him up. There's a tug of war between the chains and the hand, until a golden light shines bright from above, and the dark hand shrinks away from it. The soul rapidly ages to a point beyond recognition as the Orzov ghost council collects it. In the mess from the body, the Triskelion Cube is there. Sylas picks it up.   Start next session deciding where to go from here.


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