S2E6 Session Report

Theo and Dream hear a clamor somewhere else in the building.   Kraul comes crashing through the door as if it was thrown through. Essan casts Disguise Self. Sylas takes one swing and the Kraul collapses, and an Intellect Devourer crawls out of the head. It jumps on Sylas and incapacitates him by dropping his intelligence to 0, and then Theo deals the death blow with her claw. Essan places her hand on Sylas to bring him back.   "Protect Broboros" is shouted from a Kraul out in the hallway. Essan says that it's the Dimir assassin's coming to get her. Sylas and Da'Har try to break down the door, but it won't budge. It's magically locked. Dream casts Nondetect on Essan. Theo tries to lead the party out, thinking that they can fend off an assassin, but sees a vampire. Sylas casts Darkness, and he, Essan, and Dream try to sneak past it to the stairs. The vampire rushes into the dark and grabs Essan. Sylas drops the darkness once he hears her scream, and the vampire sees through her disguise. Theo, Da'Har, and Sylas quickly subdue it, and it drops Essan.   Another assassin comes out of a door (the first door, that the Goblin was in), sees us, and then quickly goes back in. Essan's Disguise Self falls. Theo tells her to put it back up, and then Theo follows the assassin into the room, and they have a little assassin-off. Sylas goes up the stairs and engages with three more assassins. Dream, Essan, and Da'Har are in the chamber as another Intellect Devourer and another Vampire come around the corner.  
Essan: "Fuck the vampire, kill the brain." Sylas (from upstairs): "Don't fuck the vampire!"
  Theo asks the assassin who she works with in her Dimir cell. She says she doesn't know, and is just following orders (in some thieves cant mention of the Duskmantle). Theo asks her name, which she says is Jayden Coins. On her last turn, she accepts her death, drops her knives, and kneels with her head bowed. Theo offers her death or mauling that would make her unrecognizable and free of the Dimir. She chooses death saying, "I fear freedom would only ever be temporary for me." Theo slits her throat, then runs out to join the fight.   Kakerlake and another Kraul Warrior are knocked unconscious by the assassins upstairs. Sylas takes on all three assassins for a couple rounds, and then disengages and runs back downstairs.   Dream is knocked asleep by the vampire, and Da'har takes him on one on one. The vampire sticks its long fingers into his chest, but he wraps a tentacle around the vampire's arm.   Vampire is killed by Da'Har, who shoves a tentacle down it's throat for the death blow.   Haku comes down the stares and slits the throat of one of the assassins. Then he's disarmed and attacked by the one remaining assassin. Theo sobs in relief that Haku seems to be on their side, and immediately attacks the last assassin. Da'Har stabilizes Dream while Theo, Dream, and Haku take on the last assassin. Theo snaps his neck.   Theo asks Haku what he's doing there. He says he owes her one. Haku says that Da'Har is being tracked by the statue of Noir in his bag. Haku asks her what she's gotten herself into. She admits she doesn't know. Dream flies up and asks him if he has a safe house. Haku, after asking Theo if he can trust these people, Says that he has a place he can take them to.   Dream stabilizes Kakerlake. She asks about the children, and Dream says that they're safe. Kakerlake thanks her and says that she's an ally and welcome back in Broboros. Hopes that the Azorius can eventually become allies.   Haku takes us deeper into the Under City through many winding passages and a sewer tunnel. Along the way, there are also little villages cut into the stone walls. Goblins, lizard folk, drow, and unknown species all living together. The party loses sense of direction and depth. Eventually, we go down an allyway to a door, where Haku stops.


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