The Tenth District

Of the 10 major districts of Ravnica, the Tenth District is the largest. This district is home to the Guildhalls of all ten guilds, as well as the Office of the Living Guildpact.   The Tenth District is approximately 8.5 miles across at its widest point East to West and 5.25 miles across North to South.  

The Six Precincts

The Tenth District is a sprawling place. To be governed effectively, it is broken into six precincts, each the size of a small city.  

Precinct One

This is the hub of the wealthy and powerful, where courtly games and espionage play out among visitors gawking at the impressive architecture. The precinct is also known as the Guildpact Precinct.  

Precinct Two

Many professionals live here in clean and orderly neighborhoods, in the shadow of New Prahv, while mob bosses coerce residents in order to enrich themselves and influence local politics.  

Precinct Three

In the Greenbelt, nature has encroached into the urban environment to varying degrees, and folk here provide bountiful sustenance and domesticated beasts for most of the district.  

Precinct Four

Constantly in a state of turmoil, the scarred streets of Precinct Four are a proving ground for soldiers and marauders alike. Visitors here had best be spoiling for a fight.  

Precinct Five

Precinct Five is where the learned folk of the Tenth District gather to discuss theory or to put their knowledge to practical use in the precinct’s many schools, libraries, and laboratories.  

Precinct Six

In the hardscrabble neighborhoods of Precinct Six, the working folk eke out a living by toiling at warehouses, docks, and factories controlled by callous employers. When night comes, the residents hide indoors to avoid becoming prey to creatures that stalk the darkness.


  • The 10th District
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