Theo Abraxos

DM Note: Freespar Manor is Theo's home. She can decide if she has her chambers in the servant's quarters, or in the main house.   Theo has free reign of the entire property and may come and go as she pleases. She is not treated as a prisoner, but as a trusted and respected employee. Theo is the family's "Fixer". She has the ability to give direction to the manor's security guards, which will generally be followed unless overruled by the authority of the family directly.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Her stripes slowly shift and move on her fur.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  At the age of 19, Theo was given her first assignment by the Dimir – to infiltrate and inform on the Freespar Family, posing as a member of the Freespar Manor security staff.

Morality & Philosophy

Current Residence
Dark Gold
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Orange Tabby Fur
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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