Angel Species in Ravnica: City of Guilds | World Anvil
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Ravnican angels are physical manifestations of the principles of justice and righteousness. Created in the image of the founder of the Boros Legion, Razia, they originally all served in the legion, but individual angels embody different approaches to ideals of justice, duty, law, and order. This diversity has caused some angels to leave the Boros Legion; they might join other guilds or remain independent, protecting the guildless. Angels from Ravnica appear similar to human women with two large feathered wings. Present-day angels have the full range of human height, weight, and colouration. Some are crowned or surrounded by a glowing nimbus of light, and others have hair like a living flame.

Basic Information


Humanoid with white feathered wings.

Genetics and Reproduction

All Angels are female, and they do not reproduce. All Angels were created as clones of Razia, the first Angel.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Angels are immortal, they do not need to eat, drink, sleep, or breathe.
Genetic Descendants


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