Rakdos Character in Ravnica: City of Guilds | World Anvil
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Rakdos is the demonic parun and guildmaster of the Cult of Rakdos on Ravnica. He spends most of his time slumbering in a lava pit located in Rix Maadi. He was given responsibility of a guild by the guildpact in an effort to bind him to a greater purpose, or at the very least keep him busy enough that he would be less of a problem for the other guildmasters.   Rakdos embodies hedonism. He is also a consummate entertainer, whose mere appearance is an act of grisly performance art. A monstrous figure standing thirty feet tall, spreading enormous wings, crowned with fire and swinging a flaming scythe, Rakdos demands the spotlight. His every entrance is a showstopper.[5] * Rakdos' armour resembles the signet of the Rakdos guild. Sometimes, after his grand entrance, Rakdos crouches to witness the performances of those who adore him. To them, his opinion is the only one that matters, but he is a demanding spectator. He has seen thousands of years of circus tricks and has no patience for performers who don't give their all. His flaming sword has brought more than one tepid show to a sudden and spectacular close. Jaded as he is, Rakdos attends his cult's performances only rarely. He often retreats in his lair below Rix Maadi, for months or years at a time, but his followers know that he might emerge at any time to witness the latest spectacle. Getting him to show approval of a performance, much less actual interest, is regarded as the ultimate test of a Cultist of Rakdos.
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