Rix Maadi Building / Landmark in Ravnica: City of Guilds | World Anvil
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Rix Maadi

Rix Maadi is the guildhall of the Cult of Rakdos on Ravnica. It is located in the Undercity under a large mountain and holds the lava pit in which Rakdos slumbers.   The most direct route to Rix Maadi is down an immense stone staircase that leads down an ancient tunnel carved deep into the earth by a wurm and enforced with thick stone pillars. Rakdos members call this subterranean passage the Demon's Vestibule. Rix Maadi stands at the far end of a courtyard, its ornate stone edifice flanked by jagged basalt pillars flowing with lava streams. The façade is the only part of the guildhall that resembles an actual building. Inside, Rix Maadi is a large natural cavern.
Alternative Names
The Dungeon Palace
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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