Triel Character in Ravnica | World Anvil
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Born in the year 9,875 ZC, Triel always knew that the Izzet League was where they belonged. Known for their quick thinking, and unique perspective on projects, Triel quickly moved from assistant to Researcher. Willing to put the time into every assignment, no matter how unimportant seeming, they became a sought after help in every lab they were in, and were often invited back for more in depth assignments. Like many Vedalkens, they kept their emotions to themselves, but when they became lost in a project, it was always easy to see their passion and joy in figuring out the mechanics of something.   When they became Supervisor, they chose to specialize in the understanding of ancient artifacts and old magic. Many simply accepted that the way something worked is the way it always has done. Triel would look at an item, and wonder how it worked. Not only how the magic was woven into its creation, but how to make it better or to use the fundamental aspects of that spell for something else. They would study the individual pieces that made an artifact what it was, and by discovering those individual components, would bring something spectacular into being. Triel was never content to leave something as it was, and from that drive the Inter Planar Travel technology was created.   Now as a Director, with their own laboratory, Triel has become responsible for understanding the ancient magics from times long past, and replicating the type of magic if possible. Always striving towards a new breakthrough, their labs has become known for their mix of the unusual. While many other are thinking of new ways to combine science and magic, they look for ways to turn magic into science. They believe that magic is simply energy that is not yet understood, and that by learning how things were done in the past, we can unlock new ways of doing things now. Not replicating past spells or methods, but by using them as building blocks to create something fantastic.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Chaotic Neutral
Year of Birth
9875 201 Years old
Deep Violet
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Blue
Quotes & Catchphrases
The only thing that holds us back, is our ignorance of the past.

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