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Created by the original archangel and Parun of the Boros Legion, Razia shaped all angels in her image. Because of this, angels in ravnica are all female.   Many consider angels to be demigods in their own right, but they are commonly considered eidolons of justice, ambition, or duty. When someone 'worships' an angel, they are really revering what the angel stands for. Razia intended for the Legion to operate this way, with a clear distinction between the two classes: the mortals at the bottom that revered the idea of justice that the angels at the top upheld.   Angels are primarily immortal, only the strongest among them are able reproduce, and when they do, it's asexually. However, with the emergence of Aasimar races, it has become common belief that angels can undergo a form of 'spiritual intimacy' with a mortal of their choosing. This intimacy could be very close to the mortal version of it, but whatever the case, it results in a half angel humanoid that looks very similar to a human.   Angels are a fairly common sight for the people of Ravnica. The factor that sets them apart is how mysterious they are despite being such a large part of society. Nothing is known of their maximum lifespan, biology, or their cultures (aside from those that contribute to the culture of the Legion or Syndicate). It's assumed that the angels like it this way or they would go about changing it with their intellect and zeal; however, they continue to stay in their secluded cloisters, making observation difficult.   While the word 'angel' brings to mind archons of invulnerability and god-like omnipotence, Ravnican angels are much more mortal than that (and much more mortal than they'd probably like to admit). The primary, and only example, that we have of this is the existence of Angels within the Orzhov Syndicate. The legion refers to these angels as 'fallen' because they have forsaken their duty to justice and have replaced it with a duty to themselves and money. This fracture shows how much they can relate to us. Though they'd like to believe that humanity's dissent and feuding are solely mortal characteristics, they themselves also share it with us.
Average Height
6 - 8 feet
Average Weight
100 - 200 lbs

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