
Krenko is the boss of a notorious Goblin mob, and he has made his fortune and built his reputation by mostly staying out of the guilds’ way. He has managed to cause no end of trouble for the citizens of the Tenth District, but not without attracting the attention of the guilds. A cunning opportunist, Krenko has spent years consolidating goblin street rabble into his fiercely loyal gang. He cultivated connections among the ruthless and powerful, specializing in high-value theft and mayhem. At the apex of his influence, he got into a nasty turf war with the The Shattergang Brothers, a rival goblin gang that often deals in illicit arms. Rumors swirled that Krenko killed Dargig, the youngest of the three brothers, after a weapons drop went bad. The remaining two brothers, Rikkig and Gardagig, attempted to kill Krenko in retaliation for the death of their kin. Before they could do the deed, Krenko was apprehended by Gideon Jura and the Boros Legion.  

Krenko Escapes!

Krenko was captured and thrown into Sawtooth Prison — near the legion’s headquarters of Sunhome — to spend the rest of his life behind bars. While in custody, an unknown patron aided Krenko's escape, and he was able to slip away to rendezvous with his gang.   Krenko’s escape is no small matter. The Office of the Guildpact gets involved, alarmed at the possibility of another goblin gang war that could threaten the tenuous peace between the guilds.  

Krenko Recaptured!

Krenko has been reapprehended and secured back at Sawtooth Prison by a squad at the Office of the Guildpact. The circumstaces of his escape are still unknown.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Mob Boss