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Aurelia (ore-EL-ee-AH)

Warleader Aurelia

The angel Aurelia leads the Boros Legion. During the years of her leadership, she has shown a strong appreciation for the ordinary citizens who are often caught in the middle of interguild violence. True justice, Aurelia argues, isn’t merely the enforcement of the letter of existing laws (let the Azorius fret over that), but the establishment of equitable and compassionate relationships among all of Ravnica’s people. That means protecting the weak from the depredations of the strong, sheltering the innocents who are threatened by war, and ensuring that enforcement of the law doesn’t become oppressive. Aurelia actively supports efforts to establish a lasting peace among the guilds in the absence of the Guildpact.   Aurelia prefers to lead the Boros Legion from the front. She brings swift and unrelenting punishment to the wicked, and her temper is legendary.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Razed Fist; "Practice compassion and mercy. But know when they must end."
Divine Classification
Lawful Good
Current Location
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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