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Boros Legion (bore-OHS)

The Boros Legion was founded by parun Razia, a militant flaming-sword-wielding archangel capable of using flame and light magic who fervently and firmly believed in harmonious coexistence on Ravnica, even if lives were lost and blood was shed in achieving this. The Legion functions as the righteous and zealous constabulary and standing army of Ravnica, as the League of Wojek and Boros Army, respectively, and enforces Ravnican laws created by the Azorius Senate. The Boros Legion is known to use many fire spells.   The Guildhall of the Boros is Sunhome, a combined fortress, barracks, and place of worship.

Public Agenda

The Boros Legion is a standing army that protects the Guildpact and contains the League of Wojek, the official peacekeepers of the City of Ravnica.


Old Hierarchy As it was originally envisioned, the Boros Legion had a complicated, contrived, and highly stratified hierarchy, with the upper levels comprising angels and guildmages and lower levels comprising the League of Wojek and the Boros Army. A Boros could only employ the spells of an equal or lesser power band.   Angels were above and outside of the regular hierarchy, though with the late Razia at the very top. They provided inspiration and direction and only occasionally do they swing their fiery swords in battle. Any angel of any status outranked a mortal Boros member.   The New Hierarchy   After Aurelia assumed the office of guildmaster, she established several changes to the way the guild was run. While she maintained both the army and the Wojek, angels were now encouraged to mingle with the lower ranks and Aurelia enforced practicality over tradition among them.   In addition, Aurelia has split leadership of the bulk of the legion into four "theatres" that mainly deal with threats to the public order:  
  • The Theatre of Order: tasked to fight against Rakdos incursions and their clubs.
  • The Theatre of Integrity: tasked to find the sleeper agents and hidden refuges of the Dimir and root any members of this subversive guild out. A subdivision, the Dead Brigade, is tasked to neutralizes spirits.
  • The Theatre of Fortification: tasked to increase Boros weapons and battle effectiveness. Its commander is Tajic. The Warmind Initiative is a conjoined effort of the Izzet and the Boros to develop new technologies for the Boros to use to keep the peace.
  • The Theatre of Recruitment: having the objective to find and indoctrinate members among the guildless that seem suitable to serve in the Legion.

Divine Origins

The former Razia, a militant flaming-sword-wielding archangel capable of using flame and light magic who, was the parun and leader of the Boros Legion on Ravnica.   Razia has been the heart and soul of the Boros guild since the signing of the guildpact. She is more like a demi-god to the army than a military leader, inspiring greatness and giving hope, meaning, and destiny to her Boros devout. Just to keep the black-hearted honest, she does, on occasion, rip the battlefield with holy fire.   It is said that all of the Boros angels were created as images of her, and are thus physically identical; however, it may be such that all other Boros angels are similar, not precisely the same.   She was killed by Szadek, who impaled her with her own sword, though he was enslaved by Augustin IV at the time. A lupul took her form and posed as her for a while, but it was ultimately destroyed by Agrus Kos and Pivlic.

Valour. Justice. Law.

Military Order
Alternative Names
The Burning Swords
Government System
Controlled Territories

Articles under Boros Legion


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