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Granny Rags

Lady Vera Moray

Granny Rags is an unnaturally old elf whose name has been lost to time. It is almost unheard of for an elf to show their age, which makes Granny Rags' milky white blind stress, deeply wrinkled sagging skin and hunched posture extremely unsettling. She primarily frequents the tunnels and sewers of the Undercity where she wanders with eldritch intention and performs dark rituals.   She once possessed the Felicity Triskelion, claiming it to be a wedding gift from her husband. Much to her dismay, looters snuck into her ancient manor and stole this artefact. They fooled a myconid sovereign into leading them to the manor where the device was stored with her daughter's remains. Upon discovering and attempting to open the object one of the thieves were obliterated. Worse still, the object caused a horrible fusion between the myconid and Granny Rags daughter's remains. The surviving thieves stole away with the artefact and whatever they could carry, unwittingly exposing Ravnica to Deep Wanderer Fungus.   Granny Rags is an enigma of the Undercity, a puzzle to some, feared by others, and for a select few she is seen as eccentric educator of eclectic esoteric arts. It is rumored that she bequeaths gifts to these brave enough to learn.

Physical Description

Body Features

Deep wrinkles uncommon for elven kind.

Facial Features

Blind eyes, milky white. Long elven ears, dropping.

Special abilities

Bone Artistry: Granny Rags possesses the peculiar ability to carve magical trinkets with strange powers. Carved from bones of suspicious origin, this charm is 3 separate bones pieces protruding outward from a piece of iron with arcane symbols carved into each piece.  

Specialized Equipment

Old Bone Cameo: Carved from bone of suspicious origin, this cameo depicts a young elven woman and is set in am iron crest shaped like a squat coffin. Those with great arcane acuity may hear a distant ghostly melody and even soft whispers.  

Personality Characteristics


Bond: A young man often visits me to listen to my stories. I give him little gifts.

Virtues & Personality perks

Ideal: I keep my little birdies well fed.

Vices & Personality flaws

Flaw: I have a fleeting grasp on reality and little value for life.


Family Ties

The House of Moray (No known living descendants)

Religious Views

Worships the Old Gods of Yore and their emissary: The Stranger

Hobbies & Pets

Several swarms of rats are rarely far from Granny Rags.  They are lead by her familiar, a great void touched rat, much like a cranium rat with the capcity of a whole swarm of cranium rats.
Current Location
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I'll carve a pretty song on your bones..."
Ruled Locations

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