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Kutk Loz

(a.k.a. Klutz)

Male goblin, spy, neutral   Kutk (his original goblin name being Klutz) made a living by stealing. Sure, it wasn’t glamorous or easy. But everyone plays with the hand they are dealt. In an attempt to avoid the negative connotations that come with the "descriptive" nature of goblin names, he goes by the Kutk Loz when selling his services. Also who's looking for a goblin with an ogres name?   Personality Traits. I don’t like being belittled and overreact every time it happens.   Bond. I always keep a trinket from the people I steal, they are my trophies.   Flaw. There is no such thing as “too risky”   Ideals. Never needing to worry about money ever again.
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