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Arrester Station 13

Arrester Station 13 is an isolated and underfunded Azorius outpost in Precinct Four. Precinct Four is, “a dynamic and dangerous place. Its buildings include ramshackle tenements damaged by conflict, impregnable fortresses and laboratories, and bustling markets filled with merchants ready to defend themselves and their wares.” The Precinct is not exactly friendly to the Azorius and Boros representatives who strive to bring order here. Many see these Guilds as nothing more than another group of gangs vying for territory in the streets of Precinct Four.

Purpose / Function

AN attempt to maintain peace in the warzone that is Precinct 4, the station is owned by the Azorious but is primarily staffed by members of the Boros, as the Azorious are rarely observed with kind regard.


The building has the construction and architecture typical of all the power the Azorius have. However, the dirt covering every wall, poorly covered holes and falling pieces of the roof reveal that this Arrester Station receives very little support   This is the eastern entrance to the Officer Station, the doors here have an exterior facade of heavy, carved wood depicting the Azorius Senate’s symbol.   The station is a collection of cells, booking rooms, evidence lockers and officer areas as well as a courtroom. The courtroom room is immaculate, in stark contrast to the filth and decay seen throughout the rest of the station. The marble floor is so clean that it is reflective. There are several wooden pews, wooden tables for defense and prosecution teams, a wooden jury box with 12 wooden seats, and a large wooden desk for the judge to be seated at.


  • Arrester Station 13
    Arrester Station 13 is an isolated and underfunded Azorius outpost inPrecinct Four. Precinct Four is, “a dynamic and dangerous place. Its buildings include ramshackle tenements damaged by conflict, impregnable fortresses and laboratories, and bustling markets filled with merchants ready to defend themselves and their wares.” The Precinct is not exactly friendly to the Azorius and Boros representatives who strive to bring order here. Many see these Guilds as nothing more than another group of gangs vying for territory in the streets of Precinct Four.
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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