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Selesnya Conclave (sel-EHS-nee-YAH)

Founded by parun Mat'Selesnya, a female humanoid elemental formed via the fusion of dryads, the Selesnya Conclave is a decentralized collective variably described as a "selfless, nurturing, spiritual group" or a "brainwashing nature cult." It involves itself in the establishment and maintenance of peace, life, and unity in Ravnica. The territories held by the Selesnya are open and sunny, full of green spaces and gardens, with white stone buildings which are often open to the air. The towering world-tree of Vitu-Ghazi once served as the guild's Guildhall. Despite their appearance of being "good" and "peace-loving", in truth the guild has a sinister streak. The Conclave used to employ its quietmen and other members to silence the civilians of Ravnica. The defenders of the Selesnya are the Ledev Guardians. Equenauts ride pegasuses, combining the role of mounted warriors and scouts. Sagittars are elven archers that defend key guild locations.   The Conclave is organized in enclaves called vernadi, which are communes built around central trees, like smaller versions of Vitu-Ghazi. A dryad, called a voda, is called forth to be the leader of the community, connecting the vernadi to the Worldsoul and the will of the entire Conclave. The vernadi are a harmonious union of nature and civilization. Their houses are created by woodshapers and are like living gardens without doors, carefully tended and abundantly fertile. The Selesnya are proud of their wurms, which are used by shamans called wurmcallers to travel underground. The wisest clergy (including many Loxodons), are sometimes called hierarchs, although there is no official hierarchy in the religion. Spellcasters fill both military and religious roles, calling their magic Doruvati ("The gift" of Mat'Selesnya).

Public Agenda

The Selesnya Conclave promotes what is now the strongest, nature-based religion of Ravnica and its ledev guards patrol the rural areas along with being conservationists and charity workers.

Order. Life. Harmony.

Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
The Mild Militant
Controlled Territories

Articles under Selesnya Conclave


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