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Trostani (trohs-TAH-nee)

The Chorus of the Conclave

Trostani is the guildmaster of the Selesnya Conclave on Ravnica, and speaker for Mat'Selesnya.   The Selesnya guildmaster is an amalgamation of three dryads in body, will, and soul. Each dryad’s body extends from a central trunk, so while they possess independent minds, they share a single name­ — Trostani — and a single life force. Usually Trostani communicates the will of the Worldsoul with one voice, but she retains three distinct personalities that embody the three parts of the Selesnyan ideal: order, life, and harmony. In the midst of increasing tensions on Ravnica, the three personalities have recently been at odds over how best to navigate the conclave through such difficult times. Trostani spends most of her time in the towering tree of Vitu-Ghazi, the Selesnya guildhall. There she communes with Mat’Selesnya and with the dryads who lead individual Selesnya communities across Ravnica.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Sun Kissed Tree: "The symbol of the Conclave is one of unity, with tree supporting sun and sun feeding tree."

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The three sisters   Before becoming Trostani, the three dryads had separate names and personalities.  
  • Oba, the dryad of Life, was wild and full of life. Her hair was tangled with leaves and vines. Her eyes shifting with her moods, from green like flecks of emerald and jade to smoky brown.
  • Ses, the dryad of Order, was ordered in manner and speech. Her hair was held in place by a headpiece made of goldenwood, and fell to her shoulders in a cascade of auburn.
  • Cim, the dryad of Harmony, was the eldest and the bridge between the other two sisters. Despite being a small, slight dryad, everyone within the Selesnya Conclave could feel the power within her. She would always find a way to balance the needs of one with the other.
Creation of Trostani The Selesnya Conclave was in disarray because they gradually lost their connection to Mat'Selesnya, the World Tree. Three dryad sisters, Oba, Ses, and Cim, went into a deep trance to try and connect with Mat'Selesnya. During their trance, they were aided by Suniel who bound them to an old oak tree. Upon connecting with Mat'Selesnya, this old Parun fused the three dryads with the World Tree, creating Trostani.

Personality Characteristics


Bond: “All will come to the warm embrace of the Conclave.”

Virtues & Personality perks

Ideal: “In each of us is the strength of all of us.”

Vices & Personality flaws

Flaw: “I have nothing but anger for those who break the bonds of the community and leave our embrace.”
Divine Classification
Dryad Avatar
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Order. Life. Harmony.
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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