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Aurelia assumes leadership of the Boros

Military: Skirmish


Replacing Feather
Feather was the last angel after the genocide perpetrated by Szadek and was selected, mainly by default, to lead the Boros after the collapse of the first Guildpact. Part of her efforts included repopulating the Firemane with new angels, one of which was Aurelia. However, Feather's baggage and past were seen unfavorably by her strong-willed progeny, and so Aurelia ascended to the leadership of the Boros not long before 10,074 ZC.
The new Hierarchy
After Aurelia assumed the office of guildmaster, she established several changes to the way the guild was run. While she maintained both the army and the Wojek, angels were now encouraged to mingle with the lower ranks and Aurelia enforced practicality over tradition among them.

In addition, Aurelia has split leadership of the bulk of the legion into four "theatres" that mainly deal with threats to the public order: The Theatres of Order, Integrity, Fortification and Recruitment.

Further decentralization
The most sweeping recent change has been the reorganization of the guild into countless small local forces. Boros forces are now distributed into garrisons, each of which performs all the functions formerly divided among the theaters. Each garrison has little knowledge of the activities of the others, and secret plans are not shared. Thus, if one garrison is infiltrated by spies from another guild, the caused damage is limited to that garrison alone. The Warleader Angels coordinate the efforts of the garrisons, with the Battleforce Angels as their liaisons. Firemane Angels walk regularly among the soldiers, rooting out any hint of deception or corruption.

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