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Precinct Four

Precinct in Chaos

  Few days or nights pass quietly in Precinct Four. The frequent din of battle as The Boros Legion soldiers guard against The Gruul Clans marauders, the strange sounds of volatile magic emanating from The Izzet League experiments, and the occasional explosive flare-ups of goblin gang wars keep the precinct a dynamic and dangerous place. Its buildings include ramshackle tenements damaged by conflict, impregnable fortresses and laboratories, a nd bustling markets filled with merchants ready to defend themselves and their wares. The people o f Precinct Four are always ready for a fight. Being able to defend oneself a nd adapting to change are the most important qualities in this precinct. Good neighbors are your battle mates when you're fighting for your home or your life.    

Affiliated Guilds

  The Boros Legion guildhall, Sunhome Fortress, is located here, and that guild is the heart of the precinct's defense against the savage forces that come from the northern rubblebelt. The Izzet League often likes to test its latest experiments in this precinct. Its guildhall, Nivix Guildhall, Towers over the south end. The Gruul Clans frequently raid into the rest of the precinct from the rubblebelt in the north. The Rakdos Cult delights in sowing mayhem here, stoking the fires of conflict and gathering inspiration for future performances.  

Neighborhoods & Landmarks

  Sunhome Fortress: The seat of The Boros Legion's power, the guildhall known as Sunhome is an imposing structure that serves as a fortress, barracks, and spiritual center. It is widely believed to be impregnable and serves as a reminder to attackers from the north of the strength of Boros resolve.   Nivix Guildhall: One of the tallest towers in Ravnica. this impressive structure crackles with the wild power of The Izzet League and serves as their guildhall. Filled with laboratories, testing facilities, and housing for their inventors, Nivix is the center of Izzet innovation and the home of Niv-Mizzet.   The Red Wastes: The rubblebelt to the north is a wasteland filled with ruins. gutted buildings, and debris-ridden streets. Aside from The Gruul Clans, the only citizens who live in the neighborhood are the ones too stubborn to move away. The Gruul share the space with ferocious beasts, elementals, and other monsters.   The Bulwark: The neighborhood between Sunhome Fortress and Nivix Guildhall is filled with reinforced structures that serve as low-rent apartments and shops. Those who live in the BuJwark are mainly workers or professionals who see opportunity in supporting the Boros garrison.     Skaarg: The Gruul Clans periodically converge on the gutted, cratered remains of a huge palace in the Red Wastes where a great bonfire perpetually burns. Skarrg is the closest thing the Gruul have to a guildhall-a place where their clans can come together, roast giant boars, boast of their exploits, and form something akin to camaraderie before they go their separate, violent ways. It's not neutral ground, though-old grudges frequently boil over into combat. Outsiders are never welcome.    

Goods & Services

    Precinct Four has a wide variation in available goods, depending on the neighborhood. There is little or no commerce in the Red Wastes, except for what can be bartered with Gruul clansfolk or scavenged. The Bulwark carries many basic goods and services, with weapons and armor plentiful due to the constant threat of conflict and the nearby foundries in Precinct Six. On Tin Street, almost anything is available for a bit of searching and the right price. The precinct offers a wide range of food and lodging, appropriate for lifestyles from squalid to wealthy. The more affluent folk of the precinct are careful not to flaunt their wealth, lest they make themselves targets for raiders from the Red Wastes.    

Law & Crime

  Much of Precinct Four is a war zone, and mundane methods of law enforcement aren't always effective in such an environment. No one takes the constant patrolling of the Boros Legion as a guarantee of their safety, and almost all folk know how to fight to some degree. Typical threats include giant monsters, unstable elementals, and Gruul raiding parties, and a curfew system is often instituted when a neighborhood is beset by one of these dangers. The only area that is usually safe from external threats is Tin Street. Petty crimes aren't given much attention, since the soldiers are primarily concerned with curbing violence and mayhem. The Red Wastes is a lawless region mostly beyond the reach of Boros patrols and Azorius laws. In other parts of the precinct, goblin gangs shake down locals whenever possible and skirmish against each other over turf. The Shattergang Brothers are a notorious goblin gang that haunts Tin Street in this precinct, dealing in weapons and explosives.
Precinct Four


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