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The Boros Legion


The Boros Legion was founded by Parun Razia, a militant flaming-sword-wielding Archangel capable of using flame and light magic who fervently and firmly believed in harmonious coexistence on Ravnica, even if lives were lost and blood was shed in achieving this. The Legion functions as the righteous and zealous constabulary and standing army of Ravnica, as the League of Wojek and Boros Army, respectively, and enforces Ravnican laws created by the Azorius Senate. The Boros Legion is known to utilize many fire and light spells in their efforts.    


Clad in shining armor and fueled by righteous zeal, the soldiers of the Boros Legion take up steel against the corruption and lawlessness that gnaw at the soul of Ravnica. Combining the force of law with the military strength to back it up, the Boros work to forge Ravnica into a just society, a safe and healthy community for all. From garrisons throughout the sprawling city, disciplined, stalwart soldiers are dispatched to stand firm against Gruul raids, Dimir infiltration, Golgari insurrection, Orzhov corruption, the subtle influence of the Guildless movement, as well as threats that include more nefarious or monstrous foes.  


Wherever criminals exploit others, petty tyrants make grabs for power, or violence erupts and leaves devastation in its wake, Boros soldiers are fighting to make things right.   The Legion is defined by the tension between its goal of establishing order and harmony and the fiery zeal that drives many of its members. The guild stands for peace and justice, which can be established only through the rule of law. Its moral stance is fundamentally good, as it strives to protect the innocent and powerless from oppression and exploitation. At the same time, the members of the Legion are passionate about their pursuit of justice, spurred by their righteous wrath into action against evil and injustice. Ironically, this means that individual members sometimes break the rules they are charged with enforcing, leaning on the spirit of the law when the letter no longer serves justice.  


There is only one reason why every genuine Legionnaire, angelic or not, gets up every morning and dons the red, gold, and white armor: to fight the good fight. They know that the world will never be perfect and that strife will always exist; in fact, the very existence of the Boros Legion is an acceptance of that fact and a pledge to stand in the gap no matter how many times dangers comes to the threshold and no matter what form it takes. It's an exhausting, endless, low paying, and largely thankless marathon, but nothing else matters. This is a large portion of the Boros worldview and there are even official positions for priests and places of worship within garrisons so that soldiers can reflect on the why they fight the good fight, so they can get up and fight some more.    


Back during the days of Razia's leadership, over seventy-five years ago, the Legion had a complex hierarchy of Powerbands up and down the chain of command. The primary theme to the system was Angels in command with the Boros Army and the League of Wojek following commands. Under the Parun's orders, Angels were not allowed to fraternize with the mortal members of the Legion.   After Aurelia assumed the office of guildmaster, she established several changes to the way the guild was run. While she maintained both the Army and the Wojek, Angels were now encouraged to mingle with the lower ranks and Aurelia enforced practicality over tradition among them.   In addition, Aurelia did away with the Powerband system and split leadership of the bulk of the legion into four "theatres" that mainly deal with threats to the public order:  
  • The Theatre of Order: tasked to fight against The Rakdos Cult incursions and their clubs.
  • The Theatre of Integrity: tasked to find the sleeper agents and hidden refuges of The House Dimir and root any members of this subversive guild out
  • A subdivision, the Dead Brigade, is tasked to neutralizes spirits.
  • The Theatre of Fortification: tasked to increase Boros weapons and battle effectiveness.
  • The Warmind Initiative is a conjoined effort of The Izzet League and the Boros to develop new technologies for the Boros to use to keep the peace.
  • The Theatre of Recruitment: having the objective to find and indoctrinate members among the guildless that seem suitable to serve in the Legion.
  The most sweeping recent change has been the reorganization of the guild into countless small local forces. Boros forces are now distributed into garrisons, each of which performs all the functions of the theaters in their own district. Each garrison has little knowledge of the activities of the others, and secret plans are not shared. Thus, if one garrison is infiltrated by spies from another guild, the caused damage is limited to that garrison alone. The Warleader Angels coordinate the efforts of the garrisons, with the Battleforce Angels as their liaisons. Firemane Angels walk regularly among the soldiers, rooting out any hint of deception or corruption.

The Light that Guides the Way




Sunhome Fortress  


Precinct Four


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