Izzet Renown in Ravnica's Shadow | World Anvil
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Izzet Renown

Izzet League members gain renown by completing assignments and experiments for the director of the lab, or when they complete a task approved by the director for additional renown.   Renown 0-2   Assistant
  • Record and organize information
  • Acquire rare items
  • Complete (dangerous) experiments
  • 21 silver spending coin per week (3 per day)
  Renown 3 and up   Researcher
  • Can request Izzet Gear for experiments or field research
  • Secure the aid of 1d4 (barely) competent attendants.
  • Create your own mizzium apparatus
  • 42 silver spending coin per week (6 per day)
  • Expected to defend Izzet property when asked
  • Given a pyroconverger.
  • 42 silver spending coin per week (6 per day)
  Renown 10 and up   Supervisor
  • Translate instructions from the director to your direct reports.
  • Director's provide an Izzet Charm for the start of any field mission.
  • When you activate this charm, you can cast the dispel magic or lightning bolt spell. Alternatively, as an action, you can regain one expended spell slot of 3rd level or lower. The charm vanishes after you activate it.
  • 63 silver spending coin per week (9 per day)
  Independent Researcher
  • Granted leave to focus on a personal project (for the good of the League)
  • Secure the aid of 2d6 competent attendants.
  • Can create your own Izzet charm (GGR 70)
  • 63 silver spending coin per week (9 per day)

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