Izzet Gear in Ravnica's Shadow | World Anvil
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Izzet Gear

The following Izzet gear is available at Lab R009C. These items can be used on missions. Consumables removed should be tracked with the inventory construct BUB. All hardware is expect to return in good working order. Damaged or broken equipment becomes a "learning opportunity". Contact Bucket or director Uldin with any questions.
  Roll on each list once for each Izzet with Renown of 3 or higher going on the mission to determine the consumables and hardware available for field work.   Consumables   Oils are applied carefully over 10 minutes to the body/armor. Provide resistance for one hour.  
  1. Oil of Acid Resistance
  2. Potion of Climbing
  3. Oil of Fire Resistance
  4. Oil of Lightening Resistance
  5. Oil of Cold Resistance
  6. Potion of Diminution
  Hardware   All Izzet hardware has a 10% chance of failure upon use. Charges can not be replenished until returned to the lab.  
  1. Gloves of Shocking Tools - 3 charges, Add 1d4+1 lightening damage to any "tool" you wield. Mishap: User takes the damage
  2. Gloves of Hot Metal - 3 charges, Add 1d4+1 fire damage to any tool you wield. Mishap: User takes the damage
  3. Workboots of Levitation - 3 charges, Levitate up to 20 feet Mishap: Pulled prone until your next turn.
  4. Sending Stones Mishap: Become deafened for 10 minutes
  5. Pole of Collapsing (w/manipulator claw) Mishap: Mishap: Explodes, 1d4 force damage
  6. Goggles of Supreme Eye Protection - Immunity to Blindness. 3 charges. As a reaction you are resistant to non-magical piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning damage. Mishap: You are blinded for 10 minutes

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