Krenko Character in Ravnica's Shadow | World Anvil
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Boss Krenko (a.k.a. The Old Bastard)

Let me tell you a thing or two about a thing or two about Krenko. He's been burned, stabbed, electrocuted and one Izzet bastard tried to melt him with acid. Hell, Shattergang tried to get him shanked in prison and now he's running around precinct four like it's nobody's business. He's a tough bastard, and if you cross him it's the last thing you ever do. He's stubborn too. That's why death keeps taking a rain check - because death don't want to take the time to deal with the old guy. So let's just say, you do things Krenko's way or Krenko will find someone who will.
- Goblin advising a local

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Fought his way to his own Krew in precinct four. The only goblin gang to hang around more than five years. Has been a pain in the ass for the Boros Legion as well as other goblin street gangs in the city.

Morality & Philosophy

Krenko is known for keeping to the word of a deal, and if he's gonna break the deal he tells you to your face, practically daring you to do something about it. If he isn't interested in a deal, he'll tell you so.    Krenko's Krew specializes in shakedowns, mugging, burglary and simple scams. Mostly he's been focusing on destroying the Shattergang completely.


Contacts & Relations

Lurbo is his second in command.   Has some kind of history with Buksnix "Bucket".   Sergeant Klatic wants him dead or alive.
Beedy and dark orange
Silver, but he is usually bald
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Green with reddish extremities

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