Bucket Character in Ravnica's Shadow | World Anvil
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Supervisor Buksnix (a.k.a. Bucket, Boss)

Buksnix is one of several supervisors reporting to Director Uldin in the Laboritory of Gravitational Inversion .   In an odd twist of fate, Bucket has been around so long, that nearly any event reminds him of another event in his life. This causes Bucket to then tell the tale to his coworkers, usually importing some kind of safety lesson or dad joke at the end of it. Because of this, Bucket's Crew are often sent on "field experiments" by the director.   Nicknames are common in the lab, but whenever someone asks Buksnix why he is called "Bucket" he'll just mumble something about "that's a tale for another timen".

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Bucket is usually seen with goggles, work gloves and kneepads on, even when he's out of the lab. He wears a belt with many pouches on it, from which he can distribute various safety equipment, tools and first aid.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He has mentioned in his youth he was in a goblin street gang. He seems to know Krenko from those days.   Bucket has worked in Izzet labs for years working directly for director Valen Gastok and the previous director. Director Uldin doesn't seem to care for him, and Bucket has hinted that something happened in the past between the two.   Bucket also mentioned that he made some kind of mistake many years ago. This mistake injured a researcher named Falish Jan who declared vengeance against Bucket and was kicked from the League.


Contacts & Relations

Bucket has taken a shine to Kallan. He said she reminds him of his daughter.   Bucket shows Director Uldin respect, but it is obvious he doesn't like him.

Family Ties

Bucket mentioned his daughter on occasion, and the fact that she ran off to join the Gruul Clans in Red Wastes.

Social Aptitude

Bucket is friendly with everyone, even if some in the lab are cold to him. He's very talkative, and can be heard chattering away even when the rest of the lab is focusing on a project.
Yellow with flecks of orange
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Green yellow with yellow tipped nose
2' 9"

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