Nikos Borca Character in Ravnica's Shadow | World Anvil
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Nikos Borca

Technician Nikos Borca

Simic researcher with a passion for all kinds of science. Still early in his career, he hasn't completely embraced the body modification culture. His current focus is on hardening and protecting flesh from adverse conditions. As such he is very interested in Izzet League advances in protective substances. Nikos is using some samples and attempting fuse them to biological substances with minimum ill effects - on consenting subjects of course.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Unlike many of his fellow Combine associates, Nikos has yet to start down the path of augmenting his body. He dresses nicely, but make a point of only wearing his lab gear while at work (many other Simic embrace the lab gear as part of their persona). He does proudly wear the Simic colors and badge.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nikos mentioned that he was not born into the Combine, but joined it fairly recently. His family were non-guild and worked as merchants in and around the university. But Nikos said he was always fascinated with the Simic Combine, even as a child. He showed aptitude with magic, and resolved to join the guild. Life got in a way for a while, but he was eventually able to join the guild after showing some of his original design concepts (some of which he ran by Wolfgang).

Failures & Embarrassments

Nikos is hesitant about modifying his own body. It is clear that he is both repelled and intrigued by the concept. When it comes up he will mention how he would like better vision or even enhanced hearing... but the thought of lopping his ears off or gouging out his own eyes - well it takes some getting used to.   Because of his hesitation some of his peers feel he isn't committed enough. Nikos has mentioned that even his supervisor Ezib is starting to show signs of displeasure with the perception of Nikos' commitment to the cause.


Contacts & Relations

Friendly with Wolfgang Airheart of the Izzet League.
Brown, short but well styled
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light brown
5' 10"

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