Precinct Four Job Postings in Ravnica's Shadow | World Anvil
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Precinct Four Job Postings

You like money? Sure we all do! This board includes some job listings that may interest you. Guild affiliated jobs do not require guild membership. Some exceptions apply, contact the supervisor for more details.   Blistercoils Relay Repair
  • Technicians needed to measure, enhance and increase efficiencies within Blistercoil relays in precinct four.
  • Earn 7 gold per day or 40 for a full workweek commitment.
  • Experience with bistercoil tech is preferred but not needed.
  • Tool skills are expected, but brute strength is appreciated.
  • Danger is minimum, until it isn't.
  • Moving dangerous materials to a Boros Scout Tower in the Red Wastes.
  • Will take 5 days to complete, payment of 40 gold with hazard pay of 10 gold if a Gruul attack occurs.
  • Combat skills a must.
  • Must be able to work with the Boros with minimum disruption.
  • Danger is extremely likely.
Test Subject
  • All are welcome to participate in SCIENCE! See amazing colors. Hear amazing sounds! Sometimes very close up!
  • 3 gold when you sign up! 5 gold for each experiment to participate in. Earn up to 50 gold with a 10 gold bonus for surviving!
  • Enthusiasm in SCIENCE is a must!
  • Danger is extreme, but so is the payday!
  Weird Traning
  • Do you have what it takes to train weirds? 
  • 7 gold per day or a 40 gold for full workweek commitment.
  • Communications skills and patience are a must.
  • Ability to explain tasks clearly and logically a must.
  • Danger is minimal, unless Weirds are provoked.
  Galvatron's Cube - barista 
  • Enjoy the atmosphere of Galvatron's Cube so much that you want to work there? Now is your chance.
  • 3 gold per shift, not counting tips.
  • People skills are a must.
  • Must be able to multitask and keep orders straight.

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