Elven Bread

"Elven Bread will fill you up with the smallest nibble. I have seen people eat a whole loaf not realizing what they were eating. They didn't eat for weeks after that due to their stomachs hurting so bad. So always watch what you eat."   ~ Unknown Adventurer


The common myth is that Elven Bread is enchanted so all that's required is for you to take a small bite to be sustained for an entire day.

Historical Basis

The myth for elven bread originates from legends of the first elves of Aedran. These proto-elves were versed in the lost discipline of combining arcane and divine magic. With their skills they were able to conduct feats beyond what the other mortal races could have even dreamed of. They were able to make fields produce more in a month than most did in a year, animals and crops were bigger, and they required less resources to maintain a healthy population. Most believed the food was enchanted to make it more filling when in actuality the elves physiology required less nutrients to sustain their physical forms due to their fey heritage.   The first mention of Elven Bread appeared in the Adventures into the Living Sea. The author wrote that one of their fellow expedition members brought a bread that would sustain them on their months long safari.


The myth has spread through the entirety of the multiverse, though it's more common on the material plane. It's mostly propagated in the peasantry of society excluding elven culture.

Cultural Reception

Elves see this myth as another tool that racist use to breed hatred towards them. The other races either see an awe in the myth of the elven bread or harbor a hatred for the elves for not sharing the magic to enchant other foods to be as filling.


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