Sin Seeker

"Rise initiate. Your devotion to our cause has been proven by your merit today. The blood of the corrupt flows freely in the public eye. A warning to all that their corruption shall not fester. It will be hunted down and brought to trial. Their judgement shall be just and swift."   ~ High Judge Alem Yessuf


The organization is structure is based off of the Courts of the Law Bearer. The head of the organization is the High Judge. The High Judge's main responsibility is to take all the evidence of suspected corruption from the current quarry and judge if the corruption is beyond redemption or goes against the tenets of the subject’s faith. Once they render their judgement, they inform the other Judges who inform their Bishops.   Judges lead and supervises a small team of Bishops. They conduct the initial examination of evidence provided by Bishops and informants. Cases they deem worthy of judgement are sent to the High Judge with their recommendation of judgement.   Bishops are the foot soldiers of the organization that are the ones that actively seek out the corruption in society. They use guile, informants, and other means to conduct their investigations. They are not beyond resorting to criminal activity to gather evidence of corruption knowing that their quarries will utilize nefarious means to hide their conduct. Once they believe they've gathered enough evidence for conviction they send it to their Judge.


The Sin Seekers are always seeking out corruption in the higher ranks of government and religious organizations. Their zealotry in their mission causes them to have a very pessimistic outlook on society as a whole. Their interaction with the populace comes off as jaded and cynical.

Public Agenda

The Sin Seekers keep their organization secerative. No one outside of the organization knows the identity of a Sin Seeker.
Religious, Inquisitorial
Related Ranks & Titles


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