Pass the Prize Tradition / Ritual in Realm of Saebetia | World Anvil
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Pass the Prize

Three men sit around a table. They are taking turns rolling dice and sliding Empire of Xeorene currency (small, black stones) to each other. They are laughing and drinking, shoving each other roughly as they compete for the ultimate prize. Tonight, one man has offered his daughter's hand in marriage to the winner of the game. The man sits at the next table, watching, waiting. Soon, all that money will be his.


This game started as a way for people selling items to make more money off of said item. The customers would have to bet enough money to have a stake in the game against the other customers. In the end, the seller gets all the bets, even though only one person can win the prize.   In later years, it has become a way for the men in Xeorene to procure the most desirable wives.


The currency is put on the table. Each participant puts down how much they are willing to spend on the prize. From there the game begins as each person rolls the three to seven six-sided dice. The total of the dice is the amount of currency they can take from another player. The dice get passed from person to person until one player ends up with all the money or every other person has stepped away from the table.   Once the game has started, no one is allowed to leave the table for any reason. No food or sleeping is allowed, although alcohol is acceptable to drink while at the table.   Depending on the value of the prize, the seller may choose the game to be played with three to seven dice, although five seems to be the most common.

Components and tools

  • Three-seven six-sided dice
  • Whatever currency is in use


The important people involved in the game are the seller and the buyers. Often, the game will attract a crowd of onlookers. If the prize is a woman's hand in marriage, she will generally be present at the time of the game.


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