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Chosen Ones of Luck


  • The hearer: the leader of the people, first person who met the god and formed the group
  • Fira court: the court that rules over military power and training for soldiers
  • Truth bringers: religious messenger to spread the name of their god
  • Order bringers: individual that develop the laws through their religious book
  • The Holy bringers: the people who in force the law on the people
  • Lucky ones: followers of the religion who can be normal citizens or warriors
  • Culture

    Chosen ones luck is mainly based from the cult of the dead, however they began adding groups in forming the culture of Nurwa.

    Public Agenda

    To kill the king and free all people of the land of his evilness that caused the outbreak.


    They have warriors and equipment through towns under their influence. These equipment are, weapons, horses, food, etc….


    The Siege of Karistan

        The chosen ones of luck formed at the siege of Karistan where the cult of the dead was destroyed. Many troops fled into different areas while members who later form the chosen ones of luck fled back to their northern regions. Once returned to their lands, the captain (who is now the leader) dissolved the cult of the dead and reformed it as "The Chosen ones of luck", the name coming from they were luck to survive.  

    Forming of the cult

    The Chosen ones of luck weren't alone, other members who survived the siege formed new groups. However, The chosen ones of luck ask them to join them, which they did. After they were whole again they focused or more political or military strength instead of large numbers. They would make their religious text book much lighter in theme and focused on a less brutal form than their predecessors. Laws were better and security and training for troops improved. They were even able to make part of the light isles theirs. But, they would still stage battle with the Hona and later the rebels as their idea of removing their king was still strong.    

    Modern day

    They have became the second most powerful groups in the north, as they mainly control north-west and middle north. They have achieved a massive following due to large family and have full village under their control. However, they are always having battles with natives, rebels and Hona as they struggle to control the lower regions and areas.

    Demography and Population

    The population are mainly in their capital, however people can leave to the village that they have claimed due to the village populations being low. the capital has last around 17,000 people the lowest village has at least 38 people. Average birth rate is around 1,000 a month and death rate is Unknown.


    The territory is mainly through promises. The people from the lands were promised safety from the infected if they join them, if not they would be sacrificed and killed claiming the area for themselves. However, the isles of light were consider "liberated" from the Hona, where they chose allegiant with the cults. They run as a puppet state but have different laws, rulers and uniforms.


    The military os mainly individuals who are willing to fight, with many regiments and many fighters due to families sizes, many people join up. Each person does something differently but will be categorised by weapons or size.

    Technological Level

    They aren't the most scientific group, as they are more believers in the use of magic or more traditional ways then advance technology.


    Most of the laws are consider from their belief or by the court, punishments aren't normally cruelty but can from extreme doing.

    Agriculture & Industry

    They have mainly farm lands and from on agriculture like vegetables, fruits and livestock, but a few place have industries for hunting, mining , steel works, etc...


    Everyone gains similar education as its focus that everyone is equal in knowledge, but you can focus more on a specific track then others. Class all share the same education level is consider quit high for members, but other groups consider it extremely low for education standers.

    Divine Origins

    The Chosen ones of lucks teaching and belief heavily resemble the cult of the dead , however they lighten it so it's more welcoming and less cruel, their teaching would also change with more cultures joining until they formed a new book know as "Ora. They would be consider the more tamed members of their religion mainly accepting people looking for paradise.

    Cosmological Views

    Members believe their god lived on earth which use to be a wasteland, he was bored so he created life and his most proud being humans. However, humans became greedy, destroying everything in their path. With anger their god created the infected as they spread. One day, a man saw him as he made him deal: If he would kill the greedy king and follow his requests he will make the world normal. With 3 years they grew up the northern regions as they have to sacrifice people and work hard for the name of their god. However, at "the battle of the walls" they would be forced back where nature would grow wild.

    Tenets of Faith

  • do as our god request
  • be kind to your family
  • help members of your community
  • try and spread the word
  • kill any Hona loyalist
  • liberate people of their fears
  • Ethics

  • don't kill the infected
  • help members in need
  • worship everyday
  • willing to sacrifice yourself
  • don't discriminate members
  • don't use our lords name as a joke
  • mainly laws surround helping their clan or people in need, if failure to due any it consider a sin as their sins are mainly "selfish","impure", "lazy" "greed". Depending on which sins punishment could be from beating or prison.


    For the common people who could worship everyday was called " a blood for our creator" where people could kill an animal or small cuts for their god and let it touch the ground so their god could feel it. For the warriors is called " dead for a living" where they take Honians troops or rebels and slaughter them draining a bit of their blood, they would later send the corpse to infected for reanimating. However, both could do it and their many other way others worship from a come prayer ( sitting on your needs and putting both hands on your forehead and say " their love in life and glory in truth, please help guide us for freedom to rain) or to large feast.


    Priests are mainly noticeable for their weird horn crown and skull mask as their more green then black then the rest, priest are appointed by leader for excellent loyalty and help within the community and are mainly appointed to churches and towns for helping.

    Granted Divine Powers

    Most supernatural power is give to a rage of battle mages, as they become skill with it. Most powers consist of rising the dead as infected, however these infected are more zombie like but can't spread the disease.

    Political Influence & Intrigue

    The religion is consider the political power as it decide literally everything.

    Liars among men are sheep, but god told us the truth, now we are wolves

    Founding Date
    25 Juli 1101
    Religious, Cult
    Alternative Names
    Followers the infected, republic of Dinia
    Predecessor Organization
    Training Level
    Veterancy Level
    Government System
    Power Structure
    Economic System
    The official currency they use is called nobana. Silver coins that are mined out of the northern mountains
    Legislative Body
    The ones who make the laws are the order bringers. Taking piece out of their religion and making their own the focus on keep order across their towns.
    Judicial Body
    Individuals from towns and courts will begin carrying out these lays or consider them within their towns.
    Executive Body
    The Holy bringers are consider the main enforcers, they will roam streets and areas to make sure people keep up with the rules.
    Official State Religion

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