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Cult of The Dead


  • The hearer: the leader of the cult or creator, first person who met the god and formed the group and told the truth.
  • Undies bringers: religious messenger to spread the name of their god and destroy others who opposed this belief.
  • the awaken ones: followers of the religion who can be normal citizens or warriors or any other job.
  • Culture

    The cult of the dead cultures is a collection of different cultures smashed into ones. The people come from all parts of the land, this means people cultures originally from there could be shared with other members. To insecure no violence with each other, the leader decide to create parts of their where the name "undiesa" was formed, a collection of cultures mixed together to be one.

    Public Agenda

    To kill the king of Hona and free the land and people for their god who can create ever lasting peace for every creature of the lands.


    The cults mainly gained wealth thought raids from villages, due to that they have a massive collections of mounts, weapons, foods, troops, etc.... And controlling the regions in the north-west they have full of towns with small fortifications.


    The cult of the dead is one of the first believer in the creator of the infected. Originally from the northern territories, the cult grew in numbers of people against the king and his action. However, the cult ideology changed when the originally king of Hona Karis was alive and was the reason why the infected came to the lands. The cult declared war on Hona can had many skirmish battle with them. But, during "The Siege of Karistan" the cult was destroyed and was split into four different groups. However "the Chosen Ones of Luck" would become the successor due to banding all the cultist together.


    The cult was destroyed during "the siege of Karistan". While large in numbers the Hona held strong and gained reinforcements from the north, the cult leader was slaughter and his lieutenant took charge. Sadly he would die in a sacrifice charge to help fleeing members. A captain would later take charge but would dissolve the cult and create the main cult,"the Chosen Ones of Luck". They would become the next strongest cult and gather destroyed members together to form the chosen ones of luck.

    Divine Origins

    The origins of the religion would come from the north, as someone claimed he met god that told him "the truth". People began joining it for safety as theirs teaching and beliefs started forming around this deity. However, it gained larger support due to their who created the infected and claimed it happened due to their king. Many people began doing brutal rituals and harsh beliefs. However, it was as influence under the cult of the dead rule as the Chosen Ones of Luck would change it a bit and improve it for the people.

    Cosmological Views

    Members believe their god lived on earth which use to be a wasteland, he was bored so he created life and his most proud being humans. However, humans became greedy, destroying everything in their path. With anger their god created the infected as they spread. One day, a man saw him as he made him deal: If he would kill the greedy king and follow his requests he will make the world normal. With 3 years they grew up the northern regions as they have to sacrifice people and work hard for the name of their god. However, at "the battle of the walls" they would be forced back where nature would grow wild.

    Tenets of Faith

  • do as our god request
  • be kind to your family
  • help members of your community
  • try and spread the word
  • kill any Hona loyalist
  • liberate people of their fears
  • Ethics

  • kill the impure
  • don't kill the infected
  • help members in need
  • worship everyday
  • willing to sacrifice yourself
  • start a family
  • don't discriminate members
  • don't use our lords name as a joke
  • mainly laws surround helping their clan, if failure to due any it consider a sin as their sins are mainly "selfish","impure", "lazy" "greed". Depending on which sins punishment could be from chopping a hand of to a public hanging.


    For the common people who could worship everyday was called " a blood for our creator" where people could kill an animal or small cuts for their god and let it touch the ground so their god could feel it. For the warriors is called " dead for a living" where they take no believer and slaughter them draining a bit of their blood, they would later send the corpse to infected for reanimating. However, both could do it and their many other way others worship from a come prayer ( sitting on your needs and putting both hands on your forehead and say " their love in dead and glory in truth, please help guide us in the wind) or to large feast.   However most famous ritual that happens every year is the "forge of life" where they would slaughter imprisoned kids and send they corpse to the mountains for unknown reasons, it's believed that it would help more rain come and that it would give them strength.  
    "Sacrifice blood for strength, as for one life gives an other strength for survival."
  • Cult leader
  • Priesthood

    The leader from the religion commonly wore a wooden mask the resembled a human smiling face with deer horns on, however clothes were from a commoner from the belief.   Priest would follow more the Humana way, as their heads were shaven bald and they wore more of a yellow-brownish clocks. More important ones would be found with symbols across their faces.

    Granted Divine Powers

    Most supernatural power is give to a rage of battle mages, as they become skill with it. Most powers consist of rising the dead as infected, however these infected are more zombie like but can't spread the disease.

    Political Influence & Intrigue

    Sadly we don't know much on the geopolitical or political it had. But, elders claimed everything was surround with the belief and was used in everything.
    "I swear all power or laws was from our religious text books, leaders promising this in the name of whatever. Most of us believed in this and well... It was more come to hear the political fabric is like our religion"
  • Past member of the cult dead
  • Most of the laws and rules were based of their gods wishes.

    The king is a liar, fight for the truth and gain freedom!

    13 June 1131 - 25 Juli 1136

    Religious, Cult
    Alternative Names
    The first cult, the crazies
    Successor Organization
    Training Level
    Veterancy Level
    Permeated Organizations

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