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Hona empire


Hona was originally the household name from the start minda era, however that wasn’t their name at the time . Originally the Hona was branched from hurba clan who ruled over southern end of the island. but was conquered by the sangai making them a puppet state for the kingdom of Sangai, the people who ruled most of the southern territory on the island at the time. But in 1090. King Leoia the III would was the ruler of the puppet state wish for independence. So, he went to the king of Sangai and asked for independence and they will stay loyal if allowed. However, the king of Sangai said no. The people filled with rage and Leoia wanting to help his people asked again, again and again. Until Sangai was tired and declared war on Hona, starting the Sangai-Hona war. However, Hona won the war and enter and era of peace for a bit allowing the people to advantage in technology. One of the main things they made was their flag and their name, Hona in their native language means “free people’ and the bird was use since a northern-black eagle was seen at every battle they won.   Sadly when Leoi died his son took over, starting a new war with a kingdom which we know as the nine kingdom war. Of course, the Hona won but kept adventuring north. When they finally reach the mountains they released now they well know infected.   He would start war against the heretics and the rebels, changing the religion a bit making him more the Center point. However, he would later go missing where his eldest son Eric the spoiled would take the ruling. What was weird he ruled almost identical as their previous king.

Demography and Population

The population is very divide, a lot of people live in Karistan due to people fleeing there or lived there originally however towns allow people to find refugee as well with them. But, most move to Karistan due to it's safety and job opportunities.

Technological Level

The Hona empire have created many things. From historical archives to specific formations and defences. The first thing they invented are the ferni boats, large transport boat that can carry many supplies. However, average class beside working class for factories, harbour or education most technologies are forbidden from them beside king approved.


They have many religions due to many different people, but was banned believing in "the wrong religion" and they must convert to Humana

Agriculture & Industry

Karistan has heavy industry into trade, production of iron, honey, meat, etc.... Their mainly have all goods from the capital  but also from local territory they have claimed.

Trade & Transport

Most of their trade is oversea as boats are in heavy demands to trade with their colonies or other islands. In 1108


Education is difficult topic. Most in low territory have what they consider low while in the capital Karistan, mainly the rich have a higher education. With this their more higher access for the rich then for lower-class that gain simple education for work, understanding and further teaching.


Their main infrastructure is Karistan, where large walls, tight living spaces and more but in general the assets are all over the place.

“In blood, sacrifice and death but glory to the king!”

Founding Date
21 december 1089
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Karis empire
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Dependent territory
Economic System
Mixed economy
They use official paper and coin called purfa or "pure money" as well know as.
Major Exports
There main export is grain as their colonies due not have many farms lands like them. They also export people to them as well for "training" purposes. Ores and woods for weaponry and protection.
Major Imports
Most things from their colony they really need. From tropical fruits, paper, material for carpets, etc.. However, the Hona empire used their strength to make trading official cheaper. But, locals have found a way the import things to their enemies that they need.
Legislative Body
The main ruler is the King he rules with all power the land and mainly allows the laws through or not.
Judicial Body
Which rule is this is the Hola higher court who will write main laws but are forced to also use the laws from the Humana textbook and what the king wishes are.
Executive Body
enforcers of the laws are mainly city guards for the rich, the 11 regiments for the average class. For the average class they can be brutal and can be allow to kill them for breaking laws, However for the rich they are mainly detained they checked for their crimes and must appear at court.
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

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