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Humana (Humani)


  • King: the highest role who decide most within the religion
  • High priests: individuals who control churches and appoints priests, also added to the Honian High Priest Court (HHPC)
  • Priest: appoints individuals to monks, they also are ones who give the word of god within their control point.
  • Monks: individuals that are assigned to a church or spread the word of god across the land, also to convert others to their religion.
  • Followers: individuals with no major role beside donating and following the religion.
  • Public Agenda

    To spread the word of god and trust into their king.


    Humana has many troops guarding their base in Karistan. They also have books, followers, horses, etc...anything the king gives to them.


    Humana was made during the begin of the rain fall era in order to keep people at ease and support of the king. Nobody truly knows behind the scenes but people belief low monks are sacrificed, but these are just legends.

    Mythology & Lore

    The most well know that is consider connect to the things that have happened to the realm, the story where Marla was creating humans and accidentally created "the inpure" who would later transform into monsters. In simpler words, believe in her or your screwed.

    Divine Origins

    Humani originates within Karistan as many people from all across the land came to Karistan. The king was worried for no order or that religious people with attack them due to past conflicts. Humana teaching and rituals come from dowag but the religion was taken down after 9 kingdoms war. Beliefs were added by the king himself as he assigned loyalist to continue this religion and spread its word. the reason is, he claimed she came to her in a dream to tell them about the truth.

    Cosmological Views

    According the Humana, Marla the creator was flying in the emptiness of space. So, she taken pieces of her hair for grass and trees, her blood for rivers and seas and her tears for weathers within the land. When she breath within this clump is formed earth. But, it felt empty to her so she taken a piece of her skin forming into an animal and breath life into it, this would become the first animal. However, when creating the humans she made a flaw, making some think she isn't real and that other gods exist. With that she created a monstrous disease threw them, but created Karis to lead the people against them and protect her and the fate, only then will the monster vanish.

    Tenets of Faith

    1 law: "No mortal must belief in an other religion, they will lose their humanity and will become just like the monsters"   2 law: " Do not question the king, he's leading the people who follow and will do what he must protect the true people."   3 law: " convert others to join, others may be forgiven for not following Marla, she's a forgiving goddess and will see good if you open your eyes to the truth"   4 law: " Sacrifice everything, you must be willing to sacrifice your food, your protection, your kids, your life, etc... for the name of Marla and Karis"   5 law: " Work hard for the kingdom, you are apart of something great work hard and show that your efforts will be noticed"   6 law: " Always bring tribute to the church, we may not have everything to help the people so we are thankful for tributes for Marla and be able to give it less fortune ones"   7 law: " Do not shame them, if you dare to say things bad about Marla or her chosen of Karis be ready for a world of pain."


  • Not to spread other religion
  •  not feeling sympathy to other factions
  • pray 3 times day
  • give something of worth to the church
  • read at least 50 page of the higania book
  • don't use the name of Marla to curse others
  • do not abuse your power to workers, family, etc...
  • do not colour your hair 
  • do not betray the kingdom or the religion
  • do not question the king
  • sleep 7 hours
  • go to church on Wednesday
  • do not spread falls information  
  • any of these rules broken are considered sinning and based on what you broke you still go to church and cut your hair and burn it to remove your sins, however if it consider extreme you shall be hanged or killed.


    An everyday worship is to go to either a shrine or a church to offer either goods or food to them. more Regular practice is to pray 3 times a day or pluck a flower out the ground and the use it with your food. More rituals are sacrifice of a cow, sending off of children and singing within the holy building.


    The king appoints mainly loyalist to him as higher priest. Higher priest are easy to distinguish due to their blue robes and golden leaf like crown, they are the main guiders to the religion if not the king.      Normal priest are not as easy to distinguish from lower monks. They were the same brown robes, however are commonly bald with markings in colours of gold on their heads. They mainly control the monks and spread the word in churches.   Monks are easy to find as they all wear brown robes and have blue markings over their bodies, they basically help take care of the church or spread the word of god across the lands.   Follower don't have anything special on them as they are mainly just people.

    Political Influence & Intrigue

    Humana is heavily used in the world of politics, they are allowed to use their own police force to protect their religion or stop other religions spreading within their controlled areas.

    She trust our king to bring the truth… let him rule forever, for Karis!

    Founding Date
    5 October 1130
    Religious, Other
    Alternative Names
    Church of Hona
    Successor Organization
    Marla the creator
    Ruling Organization
    Parent Organization
    Permeated Organizations

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