Angel's Lost Wings

"Little Annie told me."
"I see, then it must be true."
— People of Realm-R

Little Annie

Little Annie is a Shroom Person who doesn't grow old and turn into the Shrooms of the Forest. She is always child-like, so everyone believes what she says, though no other Shroom person has confirmed it.

Descendants of World Builders

Shroom people are the descendants of World Builders - the ones who created Realm-R.
  World Builders are thought to be a low class of angel - a small, almost fairy like existance that create worlds under the blueprints of the creator. Different to Earth, however, they are given 'decorative reign' so that each world they create they can colour it as they like (e.g. - the blueprint states for trees that cover X amount fo the surface of the world, but what type of tree, how big they grow, what colours they are, etc is up to the world builders.
  Often, World Builders will leave a part of themselves in the worlds they create, such as so no other world can be created exactly the same. Each world builder has to agree to all leave that part of them on that world.
  In some worlds, World Builders may make their own home and live their. They give up their immortality and live a mortal life (though often extended). They give up most of their supernatural powers with this (though, depending on the world, they are still counted as a 'supernatural species', with various powers others don't have) they cannot break or destroy the world they built though - that is part of the contract they sign.
  Shroom People are desended from such World Builders.  

Angels wings

Little Annie said that, that the angels wings' were what made the caeruleum insects that spray that stuff for the face messages from Caelestis
— A Lakamhaan child
The holograms that Caelestis and the other Divine Beings use via a Traveller's armband to send messages to the people of Realm-R through a Traveller are able to work by reflecting the image though the spray from caeruleum insects. Most children of Realm-R call these holograms 'face messages'.
  The legend as told by Little Annie is that the world builders who stayed in Realm-R after it was created gave up their wings to these insects, but the Divine Beings (having known how much this would cost the World Builders) added their powers to give the wings an extra life in the skies of Realm-R.
  Little Annie has hinted that the initial part of themselves that the World Builders gave up may not have been their wings - their wings are a vital transportation they need when creating a world (especially when there is no gravity as only the base blueprint exists and they create physical material as they go along). She has also hinted that the wings were a vital ingredient to make a prison for the dragons that were to be imprisoned in Realm-R.
  It is said that in exchange for their wings, however, the World Builders were granted some building rights to the Forests. On the surface of Realm-R, the Shroom People became gatekeepers of the different Forest areas due to this. In the ocean, the other desendents of the World Builders have a similar relationship with the ocean forests.
As Shroom People grow into the Shrooms of the Forest, they grow more and more fungi on their limbs before eventually turning into lareg fungi jumbles themselves. These are known as Shrooms of the Forest and often end up as the housing of new Shroom People, who are born from this fungi jumble.

Cover image: by AvalonCollierArt


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