
The Piasa was a dragon spirit known by the Earth ancestors of the Cahoikan people that would bring great good or evil. Unfortunately, the Piasa got a taste for death, and began to take men away, grabbing them with its large talons and devouring them after flying back into its cave. As capturing men and eating them alive came as a great amusement to Piasa, he often left a large bone or skull of his kills in his cave as a trophy. Over time, this became his bedding and even further through time, the decay of these bones (and any other scraps or droppings left by the dead) seeped into Piasa's flesh and spirit. This caused him to further lust after death of those unable to refute him and slowly turn his senses from the responsibilities of a great spirit to that of a lesser, single focused, spirit. So far he fell, that he was simply obsessed with this single act of snatching, eating and laying on their fresh skulls.
  As the Piasa was a weather spirit, a thunder bird, he had control over a vast array of smaller spirits, the weather and a large sect of people on Earth. Although he acted in the ways of a lesser spirit, the power he had could destroy a civilisation. And the other greater spirits were not entirely sure of the Piasa had truely fallen into obsession, or was playing a part of a bigger ploy.
  Thus, he had to be removed.
  Once taken prisoner in Realm-R, Piasa quietened down. Over the centuries he seemingly regained his sanity and remembrance of his powers. The chains he was tied up in kept him bound physically to the cave he was imprisoned in, but did not stop his other powers. The great spirit (one of the three Divine Being's of Realm-R) watching over him left all other measures to restrain the Piasa's powers until they were needed. One by one. Maybe this is why many of the Cahoikans left their city after Piasa was buried...
  The latest attempt to escape led to the buried of the Piasa. When the Cahoikans asked the Divine Being of Piasa was finally dead, they recieved a non-commital answer. Some belied this to be becasue they were not good enough at stopping Piasa. Some believe that the Divine Being is still playing with Piasa and they will be called again in the future. Some believe the Divine Being does not truely want them, and got them to bury the Piasa as a way to leave the great spirits to themselves.
  As the Piasa lays buried beneath the largest mound in the City of the Cahoikans, it's spirit still feeds on decay. Stone ore surrounds it, suffocating it, but the cycle of life that remains in the soil between the ore still feeds through. The microorganisms that decompose nutrients in the soil are no longer found near the Piasa. It has taken thier place. And through its powers, or the magic of the world, it creates an emittance that increases the likelihood of caeruleum insects laying eggs and being born.

Cover image: by AvalonCollierArt


Author's Notes

Not really happy with this one yet -> but I think I have to write more about the 'Three Divine Beings' and their role/s before I come back to this... Still, I know more about my world than I did before and I've spent time adding words and beign creative so still a win in the end :)

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