

Many arrow slits line the walls, providing ample cover for the dwarves to fire their crossbows at any would-be attackers. The dwarves of Axeholm also relied on heavy ballistae, which served as their primary source of defense.


The lower halls of Axeholm feature an imposing entrance gauntlet leading to the great hall, flanked by a large barracks and numerous guard posts. The dwarven protectors had easy access to their well-stocked armory and smithy. At the rear of the grand hall lies the keep's throne room, along with its dining hall and kitchens.


Axeholm, a formidable dwarven fortress, is carved into the base of a mountain fifteen miles south of Phandalin. This site was abandoned and sealed many years ago after it became haunted by a banshee—the restless spirit of a moon elf ambassador named Vyldara. She had attempted to incite civil unrest among the dwarves but was captured before her plans could come to fruition. The dwarves sent word to her people, demanding they retrieve her. However, before any envoys could arrive, Vyldara killed two guards in an escape attempt and was subsequently slain by dwarven axes.   In death, Vyldara's malevolent spirit began to haunt Axeholm, filling its halls with her deathly wails. The dwarves, unable to withstand the banshee's wrath, abandoned their stronghold. In their hasty retreat, several dwarves who were slain by the banshee arose as ghouls, preying on their former kin. Now, ghouls and other dark creatures roam the fortress, while the banshee lingers in its upper halls. With the ability to Detect Life, Vyldara senses the presence of adventurers the moment they enter, perceiving them as intruders to be annihilated for their trespass.

1490 DR

Founding Date
Related Reports (Primary)


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