Session Nineteen 5/28/24

General Summary

Characters Present: Finkelstein (Tim D), Kasari/Gungus (Lou), Darfin (Tim M), Roland (Zack), Zavania (Alyssa).   The party resumed their quest at Axeholm, where Darfin and Redla rejoined them. Darfin had previously rushed off after receiving an urgent message via carrier pigeon, and Redla had followed to uncover the situation. Darfin explained that his mentor, Silvanus, had summoned him urgently. He promised to share more details after the party finished their mission at the dwarven fortress.   Continuing their mission, the group confronted the banshee haunting Axeholm. The battle was intense, with the banshee’s terrifying wail rendering most of the party unconscious. However, Zavania, Kasari, and Finkelstein swiftly revived their fallen comrades, and together, they vanquished the spectral foe.   Exploring further, Darfin discovered a hidden room behind a false fireplace, containing a chest with a peculiar lock. Kasari found a ring with a matching emblem, which opened the chest to reveal a Dread Helm and Gauntlets of Ogre Power. These were given to Roland and Redla, respectively.   The party then encountered a nest of ghouls and opted for a stealthy approach. Zavania, using her newly acquired Necklace of Fireballs, swiftly eliminated the ghouls with three fiery explosions. Among the nest’s remains, they found four potions of superior healing.   With the ghouls, banshee, and a group of giant spiders defeated, the party successfully cleared Axeholm, securing a refuge for the people of Phandalin against the dragon terrorizing the area. With the threat eliminated, Darfin elaborated on his urgent departure. He explained that Silvanus had informed him of the Redbrands’ return to his family village in the High Forest, seeking vengeance for past conflicts. A new leader had united the Redbrands, making their threat imminent.   The party decided to assist Darfin but first returned to Phandalin to claim their reward from Harbin and inform Captain Josephine of their plans. Grungus stayed behind at the fortress to help keep in secure and clean up the place. They then journeyed to Havashara, Darfin’s sylvan home in the High Forest, characterized by elven tree homes in towering redwoods. They were welcomed by Silvanus, who led them to Darfin’s family workshop. Inside, they overheard Darfin’s parents arguing about the Redbrands’ raids and the dire lack of healing supplies. Their reunion with Darfin brought joy, but the gravity of their situation quickly dampened the mood. The village was struggling due to constant attacks and a shortage of resources.   Before the party could formulate a plan, horns sounded from the west, north, and southeast. A horde of Redbrands, accompanied by hill giants, was laying siege to the village, marking the dramatic end of the session.

Rewards Granted

Dread Helm, Gauntlets of Ogre Power - Kasari found these items in a chest inside the secret room behind the false fireplace. Gifted to Roland.

Missions/Quests Completed

The party completed the following notice board quest:   “Within a mountain fifteen miles south of Phandalin stands the ancient dwarven fortress of Axeholm, which has been sealed for years. If a dragon attack is imminent, the people of Phandalin might need to evacuate and take refuge in Axeholm. To that end, someone needs to open the fortress and make it safe for habitation. Once you accomplish these tasks, return to Townmaster Wester to collect a reward of 250 gp.” If the characters undertake this quest, proceed with “Axeholm.”
Report Date
28 May 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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