Temple of Abbathor


  The Temple of Abbathor stood as a solemn monument nestled within the rocky crags of the Sword Mountains, a tribute to the dwarven deity of greed, Abbathor.   Situated within a cleft amidst the mountains, approximately 15 miles (24 kilometers) southwest of Phandalin, this temple was a formidable structure carved into the very facade of the mountainside. Abandoned for many years, a small settlement lay just outside its main entrance, echoing with the whispers of its former inhabitants.  


  Carved meticulously from solid stone, the temple structure boasted a remarkable resilience against the elements. Its imposing facade spoke of ancient craftsmanship and enduring strength, a testament to the dwarven artistry that shaped it. Beyond its entrance lay a labyrinth of hidden doors and passageways, concealing the secrets that lay within.  


  Though modest in size, the temple's interior held mysteries waiting to be unraveled. The easternmost chamber, known as the Hall of Greed, housed a tantalizing yet perilous gem, its allure tempered by a deadly trap that lay in wait for any who dared to disturb it.  


  Constructed as a sanctuary for the worship of Abbathor, the temple stood as a beacon of reverence amidst the mountains. However, its fate would be sealed by a catastrophic mountain collapse, claiming the lives of its priests and reducing the once-grand structure to ruins.   In the early 15th century DR, a group of dwarven miners sought refuge within the temple's confines, hoping to unearth treasures to aid in the defense of their city, Mithril Hall, against the looming threat of a drow invasion. Despite their efforts, they were thwarted by the enigmatic puzzles that guarded the temple's inner sanctums.   Decades later, two intrepid dwarven prospectors, Dazlyn Grayshard and Norbus Ironrune, stumbled upon the temple's ruins in their quest for riches. Like those before them, their search yielded naught but disappointment, until a band of adventurers, bearing news of a dragon's rampage, unveiled the temple's long-hidden secrets.


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