Session Thirteen 3/12/24

General Summary

Characters Present: Finkelstein (Tim D), Kasari (Lou), Darfin (Tim M), Roland (Zack), Zavania (Alyssa), Redla (Melissa)   The journey continues at the Dwarven Excavation site. Redla returns to Dragon's Rest after an adventure-filled pilgrimage and speaks with Blepp, who gives her the bronze scale casting coin. Having done so, Blepp guides Redla back to the group at the Dwarven Excavation Site, where she is finally reunited with the rest of the party.   Roland succumbs to drink while socializing with Dazlyn and Norbus, the two dwarves present at the site when the party first arrived. With Roland out, the rest of the party—Zavania, Redla, Finkelstein, Kasari, and Darfin—continue deciphering the riddle inscribed in the letter Zavania found resting atop the altar.    
Dwarven Excavation Letter
Generic article | Mar 18, 2024

The riddle:

"I am solid and unyielding, beneath every footfall,   Whispering the secrets of eons, from the earth's depths I sprawl.   I am nature's breath, unseen yet ever near,   Bearer of tales amidst tempests, fierce and clear.   I flow with grace, shaping valleys and glee,   In tranquil streams or raging storms, defining destiny.   I dance with fervor, clothed in flames' attire,   Banishing shadows, igniting life's fire."
  Zavania easily discerns that the riddle mentions the four elements: earth, wind, fire, and water. Each of the four gleaming gemstones she picks up represents an element and needs to be placed in a specific order on the altar to open the secret doors within the temple. With the riddle solved and the temple's secrets revealed, the party continues on.   Most of the temple rooms hold nothing but rubble and dwarvish skeletons beneath, indicating that the once-beautiful temple collapsed, killing many who once lived there. Deeper into the temple reveals a small hall. To the north of the room stands a statue of a dwarvish male clad in plate armor holding a green emerald stone. To the south lies the rubble of an almost identical statue, which has been blown to pieces after a trap was put in place to stop unwanted hands from taking what its northern counterpart held.   Unable to resist tempting fate, Kasari feels the need to take the emerald from the standing statue to see what will happen after the gem is removed. Though Redla and Zavania initially discourage this, they allow the tiefling to make his move. Kasari urges the rest of the party to leave the room while he takes the gem. As he pulls the gem from the hands of the stone dwarven statue, an explosion erupts from within the statue and outwardly. Kasari, expecting this to happen, is able to dodge the brunt of the explosion, rendering him only lightly injured. The gem bears the symbol of Abbathor, the dwarven god of greed. Kasari gives this gem to Redla for safekeeping.   Exiting the temple, Redla and Zavania are approached by Dazlyn and Norbus after hearing the explosion from inside the temple. Redla asks the two dwarves about the emerald gemstone, and they inform her that the gemstone holds with it the temptations of Abbathor. Those who hold the gem will fall victim to intense greed. With this knowledge in hand, Redla wraps the gem in cloth and packs it safely away.   Dazlyn and Norbus are setting off to Mithral Hall soon and gift their Sending Stones to Zavania and Redla.   The party rests and begins their journey back to Phandalin, but not without some trouble. A band of orcs, seeking a new location to call home, runs into the party through the mountain pass. A swift battle ensues, with the heroes emerging victorious.   Upon their return to Phandalin, they approach Harbin Wester's house and are ambushed by the Neverwinter Guard. The group is accused of various crimes, including unauthorized use of magic, harassment, destruction of property, and disruption of the peace. General Sabine orders their apprehension and interrogation, leading them to the local jail in Phandalin.   Inside the jail, the adventurers are separated into cells, and General Sabine interrogates them regarding their actions. Sabine reveals that after the first bout of crimes reported to her, she placed the companions on watch, with a member of her guard following them and observing their every move before the arrest. She later explains that she had also heard of the group's cult dealings on Stormwreck Isle and asks about their knowledge of the Syndicate of Belial, a devil-worshipping cult. Despite their past transgressions, General Sabine offers them a chance at redemption by imposing tasks upon them, under the supervision of her captain, Josephine Soleil, and issuing a fine for their crimes.   Feeling mostly responsible, Kasari, Darfin, and Finkelstein cover the fine for the other party members, each paying out 2500 gold.   The adventurers are also given replicas of emblems bearing the symbol of Tyr, which may help them avoid detection when using magic in the future. Ultimately, General Sabine orders the release of the adventurers after collecting their fine and returning their equipment, expressing hope that her trust in them will prove well-founded as her investigation into the cult continues.

Rewards Granted

Sending Stones - gifted to Zavania & Redla from Norbus & Dazlyn   Emerald of Abbathor - Plucked off of the dwarven statue by Kasari which triggered a trap. Kasari handed this item over to Redla for safe keeping.
Report Date
12 Mar 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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