13 Rings of Power

The 13 Rings of Power are relics of an arcane time long gone. Some say that they were each forged on a different plane and others say that they were once one orb on a wizard's staff until they were cracked. All that is known is that each ring has nominal control over an aspect or element of reality and the more rings that a being communes with, the more powerful they are. Legends say that when all thirteen of the rings are brought to the same realm that the outcome could be catastrophic.   The rings were brought together in the Tower of Worlds by Wilmoor the Wise and his Scroll Finders. The fabric of the Material Plane was shattered momentarily. When reality was put together, things were not the same and Aeradonia in its current state was formed from the realms of Odesh, the Realm of Happily Ever After, and the Realm of Epic Arcs.   Some say that after the Fracturing the jewels of the rings were scattered around Aeradonia with whispers of the rings' former powers. It is rumored that Charmspun, the Rose Quartz Ring was forged with the remnants of the Rose Quartz Ring of Romance.  

Magic Item Rules:

Each ring must be attuned to a specific alignment before it can be worn. In addition, every time its ability is used the user must perform a saving throw of 16 associated with the ring. If the saving throw is failed that abilities use is wasted for that long rest. If someone is in possession of all 13 rings they can grant Wish as long as they are attuned to at least 2 rings.   The Ruby Ring of Flames - Allows the user to cast Fireball 3 times every long rest 1. Chaotic 2. Dexterity   The Amethyst Ring of the Mind - Allows the user to cast Telepathy once per long rest 1. Neutral 2. Intelligence   The Rose Quartz Ring of Romance  - Allows user to use the Charm spell instantaneously 2 times per long rest 1. Good 2. Charisma   The Turquoise Ring of Strength - Allows user to summon up to 4 CR 1 Plant Zombies per long rest 1. Neutral 2. Constitution   The Jasper Ring of Stone - User can use Move Earth 3 times every long rest 1. Lawful 2. Strength   The Malachite Ring of Sky - User can cast Wind Wall 3 times per long rest 1. Neutral 2. Dexterity   The Peridot Ring of Time - User can cast Slow 3 times per long rest 1. Neutral 2. Intelligence   The Citrine Ring of Illusion - User can cast Programmed Illusion 2 times per long rest 1. Evil 2. Charisma   The Topaz Ring of Lightning - User can cast Call Lightning 3 times per long rest 1. Chaotic 2. Dexterity   The Sapphire Ring of Freeze - User can cast Sleet Storm 3 times per long rest 1. Lawful 2. Constitution   The Moonstone Ring of Seas - User can cast Tidal Wave 3 times per long rest 1. Neutral 2. Strength   The Onyx Ring of Darkness - User can cast Maddening Darkness once every long rest 1. Evil 2. Intelligence   The Crystal Ring of Light - User can cast Sunbeam 2 times per long rest  1. Good 2. Wisdom
Item type
Unique Artifact