Icefall Cave

Icefall Cave is a cave on Floe Island in the Sevii Islands.   Icefall Cave differs from the rest of the Sevii Islands since, rather than having a tropical climate, it is frigid and filled with icy caverns. This is due to the multitude of Ice-type Pokémon living in the cave, who cool it down with their presence.   In the first area of the cave, the only thing to do is to explore its inner first floor. Many ice tiles are scattered around, and if a tile is stepped over twice, one would fall through to the floor below. There is also slippery ice in the inner basement floor, which may cause one to continuously slide in the same direction they stepped in until they hit an obstacle.   The back cave appears to be connected to the ocean and is notable for being the only place to encounter wild Lapras in all of Kanto. It is said that as a child, Lorelei met a Lapras in Icefall Cave, possibly the same one she still has in her party.    

Catchable Pokémon:


          Walking:         Surfing:  
  • Seel 
  • Dewgong 
  • Psyduck 
  • Slowpoke 
  • Wooper 
  • Marill 
  • Magikarp 
  • Gyarados 
  • Poliwag 
  • Poliwhirl 
  • Goldeen 
  • Psyduck 
  • Slowpoke 

Inner Cave

  • Swinub 
  • Zubat 
  • Golbat 
  • Seel 
  • Delibird 
  • Sneasel 
  • Alolan Vulpix 

Back Cave

  • Seel 
  • Dewgong 
  • Zubat 
  • Golbat 
  • Psyduck 
  • Slowpoke 
Surfing: Fishing:
  • Magikarp 
  • Gyarados 
  • Horsea 
  • Seadra 
  • Krabby 
  • Kingler 
  • Shelder 
  • Staryu 
  • Psyduck 
  • Slowpoke 
  • Articuno 
Location under