Morgain, the First Queen of Winter

Queen Morgain of the Winter Court (a.k.a. Mab the Queen of Air & Darkness)

Morgain is an Archfey known by many names throughout the realms and planes; some of her names include: Mab, the Queen of Air & Darkness, and the First Queen of Winter. She founded the Winter Court as it is today and started the Solstice Dance, a war with her mother, Tiana the First Queen of Summer. No one is exactly sure what started the war, but the queen has long been associated with war. Some scholars even think that the earthly war goddesses, the Morrigan, are forms of the Winter Queen. Morgain ruled her Unseelie Court with an iron fist; even her daughters by the Prince of FrostMorgana and Jadis, feared her. Morgain died at the hands of her half-sisters, Queen Titiana of the Summer Court, Cecylia, and Cindellia as they wielded the great Summer Fire, thus ending the war. Much to the chagrin of Avalon the summer fey placed Morgana on the throne afterward.  

Family Tree:


Morgain, the First Queen of Winter


Towards Prince of Frost

Prince of Frost


Towards Morgain, the First Queen of Winter

Prince of Frost (spouse)