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Gem Glove

When picked up or touched by any living creature of intelligence greater than 5 (or 3 if a PC), it will reshape it to be appropriate not only for their hand, but to fit itself to the hand they primarily use (it will be the hand touching it for an ambidextrous character). The glove automatically fits itself to appropriate size at this time also, and the gem enlarges/shrinks with it. When worn, it fits snugly and comfortably, and gives of a feeling of comfort to the wearer.   Within 5 to 10 rounds, the persons hand is struck with a burning pain, and the glove slowly dissolves. The gem slowly burrows itself into the back of the wearers hand, taking about two rounds, and comes to rest halfway through. The leather and other parts of the glove seem to dissolve into a smokey substance, which floats around in the air during the binding of the gem, and then seems to be sucked into the gem. The gem leaves an amount of itself exposed on either side of the persons hand. It causes no damage doing this. Any attempt to stop the process fails, the offending person taking 2d8 damage from a small stroke of lightning from the gem. Dispel magic does naught to it, only making it glow brightly for about 20 seconds as it absorbs the damage.   The gem moves appropriate bones and muscles within the persons hand while burrowing itself, and does not actually damage the hand. The pain is instead a sort of binding process, keeping the gem as a part of that person. The gem does not interfere in any way with the persons normal hand activities, but is likely to attract thieves seeing it etc.   The glove has many powers, which are slowly being revealed. After having Erudi perform a lengthy detect magic on the item, it was revealed that while the gem/glove has very strong magic, the exact nature of the magic could not be known until the power was used the first time. Erudi found that the most he could detect was that only through dire need, courage and strength of character would an effect be produced. Trying to "force" a power often has resulted in the gem turning a disdainful color.   Since Gesh first discovered and attuned to it, he has discovered the following powers:  
  • Lightning Beam

    • In times of great need, the user can blast a great bolt of continuous lightning from his/her hand, usable to destroy a small area of wall/rock, throw someone, pick something up, or generally do anything a large hand could do. It appears as a long thin lightning bolt, with slight crackling from the persons hand, waving around a lot along the length of it, and ending in something like a lightning cage.

        Crackles of lightning claw around the target, with a few circles here and there holding on steadily. When it initially strikes, it will deal 8d6 lightning damage, but after that its mainly pain-based (if the user is in a fit of rage). It could also be used to save someone from a falling death etc, without the damage, if needed. For a good idea of how the actual beam of lightning arcs around, try to remember the rays on the Ghostbuster's guns, and sort of how they enveloped a target, though this is just lightning and quite a lot more of it around the target.
  • Healing

    • Once per day, the wielder can heal another person who has taken any damage, no matter how severe. The gem emits a blue glow around the casters hand, and silencing most activities outside the immediate area, for the target, healer, and anyone within 5' for one full round.   The problem with the healing is that the user takes on all of that damage to themselves.

        If this is pure HP damage, then they receive that HP damage. Broken bones etc are not transferred (though they are healed) and the hit points naturally return to the user at a rate of 5% per turn.

        To restore damage to ability stats (such as Shadow's STR drain) roll a number of d4 closest to but less than the ability score of the victim.
        If STR was originally 11, roll 3d4 which could total 12.
      The amount rolled on the dice is the amount restored to the victim, but not more than their original ability (i.e. the example above a roll of 12 stops at 11).

        The glove user will lose the same value as restored on the dice up to half of their own stat.
        Victim receives back 11.
        Wielder has a STR of 18.
        Wieldier only loses 9 STR.

        Whether healing HP or stat decreases, the wielder must take a long rest within four hours or run the risk of falling unconscious.
  • ? ? ? ?

Item type
Unique Artifact
1/8 width of hand of wielder

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