Athanar was an aarakocra spelljamming port. Led by Alekra Donakkis they welcomed the trade of outsiders allowing them to visit and dock their Spelljamming vessel.
Notible Locations:
Windfollower Tavern
- Kasowk runs the major tavern open to outsiders.
Donakkis Storage Company
- Owned by the Donakkis family, this warehouse acted as a business to store and trade cargo. They mined gems from the inner islands and exported them in exchange for weapons.
Alsari's Supply Shop
- Alsari runs a general store for outsiders to buy basic goods.
The Cutting Edge
- Kroba runs an armory for outsiders to purchase weapons and armor.
The islanders of Athanar were known to revere the god
Syranita, and the port contained at least one shrine dedicated to her.