Silent Forest

Silent Forest is a one of the more commonly known and easier-to-access Elsewheres, which is also relatively commonly exploited by the Initiates of all allegiances. This, however, doesn't mean that it is a safe place - it's just that the level of potential gains is believed to outweight the risks, at least in the eyes of the local mages.   It is not uncommon for more forest-themed demihumans (like dryads or beastfolk) to be either banished here or move to avoid prolonged contacts with human civilization. There are also cases of cold Ones moving to colder, boreal parts of this Elsewhere.   Most of them end up quickly devolving, leading to a significant presence of completely feral demihumans, especially at the edges of areas accessible from real world. There are several more established demihuman settlements that managed to maintain their existence and at least some vestiges of culture (almost uniformly devolved into a pre-industrial technology level), in most cases led by a single, powerful Nightmare that keeps most of the local nasties at bay.


Silent Forest is mostly composed of heavily uneven ground, with numerous small valleys, cliffs and ravines, with at least twenty-seven mountainranges of various height and size. There are numerous large lakes and rivers, although the way they are spread throughout the Forest has very little to do with 'natural' hydrography, leading to their locations being often hard to predict.   The exact size of it is unknown, but estimated to be comparable in size to Earth. Attempts to form a full map of the Silent Forest by launching a sattelite into its orbit were deemed too costly, although there are recurrent talks about that idea, primarily from the US Government Department of Eschatology.


This Elsewhere is composed entirely of primeval forest, one filled with a plethora of animal and plantlife, both anomalous and not. It has several larger biome areas, including the boreal forests, temperate forests and coniferous forests, with at least a handful lesser biome zones that are of entirely anomalous natures and have no clear equivalent of Earth. It is generally considered those anomalous zones to be much more dangeorous and profitable than their slightly more natural counterparts.


The climate still is perfectly stable, which leads all the way to weather patterns that could be used to regulate your calendar - it's not uncommon for storms of comparable strength to show up at the same day, yearly. However most of the climate in this area doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Due to lack of seas and oceans, this entire planet should have massively different climate, with much larger temperature amplitude. This isn't the case.

Fauna & Flora

A variety of anomalous and non-anomalous lifeforms. Due to the sheer size of this world, it's impossible to note them all down, especially as large swathes of it and even the exact size of it remain unknown. The only notable part of it all that is required to be mentioned is the unnerving silence of the forest, with most of the animals not making an awful lot of sounds, a reason for the popular name of this forest.

Natural Resources

Secured access points to the Silent Forest controlled by stronger organizations of the magical world are often sources of notable resource-gathering industry. This includes logging, hunting and foraging, with the recovered resources promptly transferred back to Earth. Those harvesting operations are often coming under attack by local predators or by migrating herds of lesser animals, making them dangerous but profitable.


Size: Planet
Danger Level: 3/5
Usefulness: 3/5
Accessibility: 4/5
Danger Details
Lesser Aberrant Presence: 1/5
Greater Aberrant Presence: 1-2/5
Gods Presence: 1-2/5
Demihuman Presence: 1-2/5
Undead Presence: 0/5
Cryptid Presence: 5/5
Other Threats: None
Usefulness Details
Agriculture: 3/5
Mining: 1-2/5
Hunting: 5/5
Others: None


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